Are babies born with teeth in their gums
Teeth development in children - Better Health Channel
The development of primary teeth begins while the baby is in the womb. At about 5 weeks' gestation, the first buds of primary teeth appear in the baby's jaws. At birth, the baby has a full set of 20 primary teeth (10 in the upper jaw, 10 in the lower jaw) hidden under the gums. Primary teeth are also known as baby teeth, milk teeth or deciduous teeth.
Types of teeth
The names of the different types of teeth are:
- Incisors – the front teeth located in the upper and lower jaws. Each incisor has a thin cutting edge. The upper and lower incisors come together like a pair of scissors to cut the food.
- Canines – the pointy teeth on both sides of the incisors in the upper and lower jaws; used to tear food.
- Premolars – which have flat surfaces to crush food.
- Molars – these are larger than premolars towards the back of the mouth, with broad, flat surfaces that grind food.
'Eruption' refers to the tooth breaking through the gum line. In babies, tooth eruption is also called teething. The timing of tooth eruption differs from child to child. For example, one child may cut their first tooth when only a few months old, while another may not start teething until they are 12 months old or more.
The exact timing may be different from child to child but the order of tooth development is more consistent.
Generally, the average child has their full set of 20 primary teeth by the age of 3 years.
Managing the teething process
Babies’ immune systems start to change when they are around 6 months old. Along with the tendency to put things in their mouths, this makes them more prone to illnesses. Symptoms of common childhood illnesses such as changes in sleep and eating patterns, fussiness, rash, drooling, runny nose and diarrhoea are often linked to teething when that might not be the cause. If your child has these symptoms, speak to your child’s doctor about other possible causes such as bacterial, viral or middle ear infections.
Teething takes about 8 days, which includes 4 days before and 3 days after the tooth comes through the gum. (You may see a blue-grey bubble on the gum where the tooth is about to appear. This is called an eruption cyst and will usually go away without treatment.) During this time, it can be tough to keep children comfortable.
Some tips include:
- Massage – gently massage the gum with clean fingers or a soft, wet cloth.
- Chilled (not frozen) teething rings or rusks – pressure from a cold object can relieve discomfort from teething. Do not sterilise plastic teething rings in boiling water or dishwater, unless specified by the manufacturer. Be sure to check product information before buying teething rings. Avoid the ones that use a plastic softener called 'diisononyl phthalate'.
- Unsweetened teething rusks or sugar-free teething biscuits – these can be given to infants over 6 months who have started eating solids.
- Pain-relieving medications – paracetamol works well for children.
Ibuprofen may also help, but it is not as well tolerated by children.
- Dry the drool – the skin around the mouth, particularly the chin area, can become irritated. Gently wipe this away with a soft cloth throughout the day.
Some treatments should be used with caution or not at all. These include:
- Teething necklaces – amber is believed by some people to release healing oil on contact with warm skin. The oil is thought to be soothing or help to reduce pain. Although amber teething strings or necklaces are designed to be worn around the neck, wrist or ankle, they have been incorrectly used to chew on. The ACCC has issued a product safety statement about amber teething necklaces, warning of possible choking and strangulation hazards. Parents are asked to consider other less risky ways of providing relief from teething.
- Teething gels – common teething gels contain 8.7–9.0% of the ingredient choline salicylate. Salicylate is related to aspirin. The use of aspirin for children younger than 16 is not recommended because in some children it has been known to cause Reye's syndrome – a rare but potentially lethal condition that can cause liver and brain damage.
Although there has not been a reported case of Reye's syndrome associated with the use of teething gels, the general advice is that it is a risk not worth taking when there are other things available.
Teething gels containing benzocaine are also not recommended for use in children. Research also suggests that teething gels may not relieve teething pain, rather the act of massaging it into the gum is what helps.
Caring for baby teeth
Some parents may feel that caring for baby (primary) teeth isn't as important as caring for adult (permanent) teeth, simply because baby teeth fall out.
However, baby teeth are very important. They allow children to chew food and speak properly, and they reserve the spaces in the gums for future adult teeth.
Tooth decay in baby teeth
Tooth decay is preventable. The risk of developing dental decay can be significantly reduced by good oral hygiene habits and a healthy diet from a young age.
Decayed baby teeth need to be treated by a dental practitioner. In some cases, specialist treatment in a hospital under a general anaesthetic is needed. If neglected, decayed baby teeth can lead to mouth pain, dental abscesses (a boil or swelling resulting from infected teeth), and problems with the surrounding teeth. Severe decay in baby teeth can affect eating and sleep, which can slow growth.
If a baby molar is lost too early due to severe decay, adjacent baby teeth may drift into the gap and create spacing problems for the adult tooth when it comes through.
Watch this Australian Dental Association video about caring for children’s oral health.
Loss of baby teeth
From the age of about 6 years, baby teeth start to become 'wobbly' and fall out to make way for adult teeth. It is perfectly normal for a child to lose their first tooth up to a year or 2 earlier or later than 6 years of age. Girls generally lose teeth earlier than boys. The first tooth to fall out is usually located in the front of the lower jaw.
Losing baby teeth can be unsettling and painful for young children. Suggestions for parents include:
- Reassure your child that losing baby teeth is a natural process and new adult teeth will come in their place. It's normal for gums to be tender and bleed a little, although some children experience little or no discomfort while losing their teeth.
- Use cold packs or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medication to help relieve loose tooth pain. Ask your dentist or pharmacist for recommendations on appropriate medication for your child.
- Make use of the Tooth Fairy. This myth has lasted a long time with good reason! The idea of getting some money or another reward in exchange for a tooth might soften the idea of tooth loss for your child.
Permanent teeth
Permanent teeth are also known as adult teeth or secondary teeth. The permanent teeth start to develop in the jaws at birth and continue after a child is born. By about 21 years, the average person has 32 permanent teeth, including 16 in the upper jaw and 16 in the lower jaw. (In some cases, the third molars – commonly called wisdom teeth – do not develop or do not erupt so some people only have a set of 28 permanent teeth.)
At about the age of 6 years, the first permanent molar teeth erupt. These 4 molars (2 in each jaw) come out behind the child's baby teeth. Other permanent teeth, such as the incisors, canines, and premolars, erupt into the gaps in the gum left by baby teeth that are lost.
As with baby teeth, the timing for when the permanent teeth come through can differ. Generally, the order of and rough timeline for each type of permanent tooth is:
- First molars – between 6 and 7 years.
- Central incisors – between 6 and 8 years.
- Lateral incisors – between 7 and 8 years.
- Canine teeth – between 9 and 13 years.
- Premolars – between 9 and 13 years.
- Second molars – between 11 and 13 years.
- Third molars (wisdom teeth) – between the ages of 17 and 21 years, if at all.
Mouthguards protect children's teeth
Mouthguards help protect teeth and prevent dental injuries, particularly when playing and training for contact sports. All children playing contact sports should wear a custom-fitted mouthguard, even primary school-age children. Custom-fitted mouthguards are comfortable, allow speech and do not restrict breathing. Learn more about mouthguards.
Where to get help
- Your dentist
- Australian Dental Association ‘Find a Dentist’ or Tel. (03) 8825 4600
- Dental Health Services Victoria Tel. (03) 9341 1000 or 1800 833 039 outside Melbourne metro - provides public dental services through the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne and community dental clinics, for eligible people.
- Maternal and Child Health Line (24 hours) Tel. 13 22 29
- NURSE-ON-CALL (24 hours, 7 days) Tel. 1300 60 60 24 – for expert health information and advice
- Royal Children's Hospital (Dentistry) Tel. (03) 9345 5344
How your baby's teeth develop
How your baby's teeth develop | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content3-minute read
Babies are usually born with 20 baby teeth (also known as primary teeth). They start to come through the gums at about 6 months and all the teeth have usually appeared by the time the baby is 2 to 3 years old. This process is called teething. The teeth will fall out at various times during childhood.
About baby teeth
Babies are born with the following teeth:
- 4 second molars
- 4 first molars
- 4 canine teeth
- 4 lateral incisors
- 4 central incisors
There is one set on each side of the upper jaw, and one on each side of the lower jaw.
The teeth in the centre of the bottom jaw often come through first, sometime between 4 months and 10 months.
Each child is different so don’t worry if your baby’s teeth appear earlier or later. Talk to your dentist if you are worried.
Your child’s jaw will continue to grow and permanent teeth will start to replace the baby teeth when the child is around age 6.
The outer covering of baby teeth is made of thinner enamel than the enamel of permanent teeth and this makes the baby teeth look whiter. It also means they are more likely to get tooth decay.
Baby teeth also have shorter and different shaped roots from permanent teeth, making it easier for the roots to dissolve later and to allow space for permanent teeth to grow underneath them.
Babies can be quite uncomfortable when they are teething. Try chilled (not frozen) teething rings, wash cloths or dummies to ease the pain.
Baby teeth are important
Baby teeth help your child to chew food easily and to pronounce words properly. They are also needed to hold a place in the jaw for the permanent teeth to come through later.
It is important to keep baby teeth clean. This will protect against infection, cavities and pain. Decayed baby teeth can damage the permanent teeth underneath.
How to care for baby teeth
Baby teeth can start to decay as soon as they appear in the mouth. Frequent exposure to sugary liquids can destroy the teeth.
You should wipe your baby’s gums with a wet facecloth or a clean gauze pad after each feed. You can brush your baby’s first tooth as soon as it appears with a soft toothbrush and a little water.
Older children should be supervised while they are cleaning their teeth. Children over 18 months can use a pea-sized amount of children’s low-fluoride toothpaste and if possible should be taught not to swallow it. They should rinse with water after brushing.
To reduce the risk of tooth decay:
- Never allow your baby to fall asleep with a bottle containing milk, formula, fruit juice or sweetened liquid.
- Don’t dip a dummy in sugar or honey.
- Clean the dummy before you give it to your baby.
- Visit your dentist by about 12 months.
If you are worried about your baby’s tooth development, call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 to talk to a maternal child health nurse.
Australian Dental Association (Teething chart, When the teeth come marching in), Australian Dental Association (Babies), WebMD (Your Teeth From Birth to Adulthood), Sydney Children's Hospital Network (Teeth - Caring for your child's teeth), Tresillian (Teething)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: September 2020
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- Dental care for children
- Dental care for infants and toddlers
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5 reasons why a baby can be born with teeth
- Photo
- Thanasis Zovoilis / The Image Bank / Getty Images
The rudiments of milk teeth are formed in a child in the womb - at 6 weeks of gestation. But the process of teething normally begins at 3-7 months of life. One can understand the surprise of the parents, and sometimes the medical staff, when a newborn is born with one or even several teeth at once. What is this pathology, a joke of nature, a cause for concern? And in general, does this really happen? We deal with a specialist.
One in a thousand
Cases when a baby is born with teeth already erupted - as a rule, these are incisors - do occur in medical practice, although quite rarely. They are found mainly in girls.
Such teeth are called natal. They may not yet be fully erupted and only palpable, or appear completely. Most of them do not have a root or it is poorly developed, very fragile, unstable. They can occupy a normal position or be displaced - cross the gum, form an additional dentition, which interferes with the formation of milk and permanent teeth. It can also affect the development of the jaw apparatus and facial bones. Natal teeth can cause discomfort to both the baby and the mother, in particular during feeding.
Sometimes natal teeth can be associated with developmental anomalies, but these are extremely rare cases.
Why a baby is born with teeth
As a rule, the reason is that the buds of the teeth were located too close to the gums - the so-called superficial location, due to which eruption occurs prematurely.
Since the phenomenon is not particularly common, its nature has not yet been fully studied. Most often, 4 more reasons are considered:
genetic predisposition;
complications during pregnancy;
- Photo
- Getty Images
Should natal teeth be extracted
What should parents do? First of all, you need to show the baby to the dentist. It is not at all necessary that a child born with teeth will have some problems in the future. But this is still a pathology, so it is better to keep the situation under control.
Is it necessary to remove such teeth - the question is decided on an individual basis.
If possible, the tooth should be saved, the extraction process is a trauma for the child, and the operation is rather painful. Now there are silicone breast pads that prevent tissue damage during feeding. Please note that this tooth also needs to be cleaned. This will help special fingertips.
Most likely, removal will be indispensable if:
they are abnormally located - for example, form the second row. This can affect the formation of milk, and in the future, permanent teeth, leading to bite problems.
teeth can damage, injure the mouth or cause pain to the child - have sharp edges, are too brittle and can crumble, have not fully erupted.
In addition to natal teeth, the doctor must examine the entire cavity and make sure that there are no jaw deformities, palate pathology. In some cases, x-rays and consultation with a specialized specialist may be required.
It is important to visit the dentist periodically - if you still have problems with your bite, for example, you can take timely action.
Anna Gerasimenko
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Unbelievable! Children born with teeth: causes and consequences
Sounds incredible, but it's true! As a rule, the first teeth appear in babies no earlier than 4-6 months, but there are cases when children are born with teeth. These cases are extremely rare. It is believed that out of 2000-3000 babies, only one is born with one or two teeth. Most often, the lower incisors are the first to erupt in the baby's mouth.
Dorina Kurosu was surprised when her baby smiled for the first time. Little Vlad was born with a lower lateral incisor.
Now the boy is three years old. When he was born, the doctors advised the mother to extract the tooth, in order to avoid certain risks. However, Dorina Kurosu could not make up her mind to take such a step. According to her, the baby's teeth are developing absolutely normally.
“He is a normal, healthy baby and we had absolutely no problems breastfeeding. Four months later, Vlad began to erupt other teeth. On the tooth with which he was born, there is no caries yet, unlike some others. Now we take care of oral hygiene, brush our teeth and wait for his first tooth to fall out, ”the boy’s mother, Dorina Kurosu, shared with us.
During the 30 years of his professional activity, pediatric dentist Iurie Spinei has come across six such cases. According to the expert, the reasons for this may be different.
“The cause in this case may be hereditary factors, however, there are no statistics or studies to prove this. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that the baby's dental plate can be located near the edge of the aular process, as a result, teeth begin to form in the jaw, which subsequently erupt prematurely. In most cases, they are formed and mineralized, and then they fall out quite early, as a result of mechanical action,” says pediatric dentist Iurie Spinei.
Doctors say that each case is individual. There are situations when it is recommended to remove a tooth, otherwise it may cause some problems for other teeth that are ready to fall out.
“Sometimes it happens that children injure the soft tissue of the upper jaw when they bite with the sharp edges of the teeth, and they get inflammation of the gums. And sometimes, during breastfeeding, the baby takes in too much air, which has a negative effect on the ingestion of breast milk.