37 week pregnant belly
37 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Ultrasound, Baby Development
Reviewed by
Tanya Tantry, MD
Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Medical Consultant at Flo
Congratulations on officially becoming 37 weeks pregnant! It’s a big accomplishment to make it this far. Each passing day brings you one step closer to finally meeting your little one. Your baby is now considered ‘at-term’ and can actually arrive at any time now!
37 weeks pregnant in months
When you’re expecting, it’s quite easy to lose track of how many months pregnant you are because you’re so focused on counting weeks. Well, we’re here to tell you that you’ve officially entered the second week of your ninth month of pregnancy.
There are a lot of things going on in there with a baby, and a lot of changes happening in your body as it prepares for labor and delivery. Let’s find out all about it.
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How big is your baby at 37 weeks?
The average length of a baby at 37 weeks gestation is 19.1 inches (48.5 cm). Baby likely weighs 6.3 pounds (2.8 kg) and is packing on half an ounce (14 g) per day.
Remember when your little one was the size of a poppy seed? Bet he doesn’t feel so little anymore! Baby is now as long as a head of romaine lettuce.
37 weeks pregnant baby position
When does the baby head turn down? This is usually after 26 weeks. By week 37, your baby should be in this cephalic presentation. If he isn’t, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.
You might be wondering how to tell if baby’s head is down. You can do this via belly mapping. This lets you know how the baby is positioned in your womb.
Pregnancy week 37 fetal development
At this point, baby is too big to do much kicking and punching. You’re more likely to feel her stretching, rolling, twisting, and turning as it gets more crowded in there. Your uterine wall continues to stretch out, becoming thinner and letting more light through as baby (hopefully) starts to adjust to a more regular schedule.
Currently, baby is practicing breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. The brain and lungs aren’t quite finished growing and developing, although if baby is born this week, everything is likely to be just fine.
Your body at week 37 of pregnancy
37 weeks pregnant belly
“Has baby dropped yet?” As you progress in your ninth month of pregnancy, you’ll probably be hearing this question a lot. It means that baby’s head has descended into your pelvis in anticipation of labor. When this happens, it’s a sign that you’ll be delivering baby within the next four weeks. Your belly will actually look like it’s lower down.
If you have dropped, your lungs will get some much-needed relief. Unfortunately, your bladder will pay the price, and at this point, you may feel a constant need to pee. All that pressure can also cause some other new aches and pains down there.
At this point, you’ll want to lather on that stretch mark cream, because in the next three weeks, you’re likely to see new marks and lines show up as your baby rapidly gains weight.
37 weeks pregnant symptoms
You may be feeling a lot of things at this point in your pregnancy. It all comes with the territory. These are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing in your 37th week of pregnancy.
- Swelling. A little swelling in the extremities is normal at this stage of pregnancy. You may even find that your nose looks bigger!
- Nausea. Nausea is a common symptom of pregnancy often associated with the first trimester, but the last few weeks can bring on some major queasiness! Talk to your doctor if you are vomiting to ensure that you don’t become dehydrated.
- Heartburn. Baby is growing rapidly, which means he’s probably putting some pressure on your digestive system.
- Trouble sleeping.
Many women experience difficulty sleeping in their ninth month. Whether your bladder, lower back, cramping calves, or general discomfort is keeping you awake, there are things you can do to encourage better sleep. Cut down on caffeine, increase your water intake in the morning and cut down on drinking in the evening, do light exercise during the day, and get yourself a great body pillow for support while sleeping.
- Contractions. Braxton-Hicks contractions — or “practice contractions” — may be more frequent now as your body prepares for birth. Braxton Hicks contractions do not result in dilation of the cervix.
- Your abdomen will feel tight, but will likely relax within a minute or two on its own, with a change in position, or when you empty your bladder.
- Spotting. A few drops of blood every now and then — and especially after sex — is normal at this stage of pregnancy. If it’s more than a few drops, call your doctor.
- Vaginal discharge. Your vaginal discharge may increase to the point where you might need to wear a pantyliner (sanitary pads) .
- Stretch marks. These last few weeks of pregnancy are really pushing your body to the limit — your skin may need some love, so apply that stretch mark cream liberally!
- Abdominal pressure. You’re bound to feel pressure here, there, and everywhere in your abdomen. Try getting into an all fours pose to relieve some pressure.
Aside from all the physical symptoms you’re experiencing, there may be a lot of emotional changes going on as well. Excitement, fear, anticipation, and even anxiety may begin to arise as you mentally prepare for this little human’s entrance to the world.
You may find yourself cleaning, organizing, washing, and scrubbing — all part of “nesting”. Baby’s arrival is just around the corner, so who can blame you for wanting to be prepared?
Your ultrasound schedule will vary based on where you live, how your pregnancy is going, and who your doctor is. At this stage of pregnancy, most women will have had all their ultrasounds already.
If you suspect that something is wrong, or that baby is moving less than she is supposed to be moving at this point, your doctor may opt to do a quick ultrasound to make sure that everything is okay.
A 37-week ultrasound will help to determine how baby is doing in there, and to ensure that she isn’t in any distress.
You may feel like it’s the last thing you want to do right now, but light exercise is still recommended, even at this very late stage of pregnancy. Grab your partner or a friend and head outside for a stroll around the block. Do light stretches, and maybe even some pregnancy-safe yoga as well.
Don’t forget to drink water during pregnancy — it’s one of the most important things you can do to keep you and baby happy and healthy. Drink plenty of water through the morning and afternoon, and ease up a bit in the evening to prevent too many middle-of-the-night bathroom visits.
You’re in the home stretch. Keep on eating the recommended foods to eat during pregnancy, and stay away from raw meat, raw eggs, raw fish, raw seafood, raw sprouts, smoked fish or meat, and soft cheeses. As soon as that baby is out, you can have all the sushi, pasta carbonara, and smoked salmon you want!
These helpful pregnancy nutrition tips are especially useful during these last few weeks:
- Eat nutrient-dense foods and minimize consumption of simple carbohydrates.
- Make sure you’re getting enough calcium to help build your baby’s nervous system and bones.
- Keep taking your prenatal vitamins which are essential for baby’s development.
- Focus on eating lean meat and poultry and fatty fish for protein.
- You should be getting 27 mg of iron per day.
- Eat smaller, more frequent meals instead of a few large meals.
Sex at week 37 of pregnancy
Sex at 37 weeks is perfectly fine for most pregnancies. Unless told otherwise by your doctor, you and your partner can continue to be intimate until your water breaks or you’re rushing to the hospital due to real labor contractions.
You’ll definitely want to experiment with different positions if your go-to is missionary. For example spooning (lying on the left side in order to reduce pressure on vena cava inferior). At 37 weeks, there can be too much pressure on your belly. Also, it isn’t a good idea to lie flat on your back for too long because it can compromise blood flow to the large blood vessels (abdominal part of the aorta, part of vena cava inferior) behind the uterus.
You may experience contractions after orgasm. That’s completely normal, and nothing to be concerned about. They usually disappear within a few minutes.
Another thing you may experience after having sex at 37 weeks is spotting. Your cervix is very tender now, and there’s a lot more blood flow in that area than usual, so you may get irritated pretty quickly. A little blood is usually not a cause for concern.
Feeling antsy? Week 37 is the perfect time to prepare mentally and physically for baby’s arrival. Here are some things you can do each day of week 37 to better prepare yourself for D-day.
37 weeks 1 day pregnant
Take some photos! Hold up a head of lettuce or a stalk of Swiss chard to indicate how big your baby is at week 37. Measure your belly and write it down. In a few years, you’ll marvel at just how much your belly grew in your last trimester of pregnancy.
37 weeks 2 days pregnant
Time to start packing your hospital bag! Get out your hospital bag checklist and make sure you have everything you need come go-time. If you don’t, make a shopping list so you could order online or head to the store and pick up those useful last-minute items (you know, like witch hazel, disposable undies, magazines, maternity sanitary pads, snacks, etc.).
37 weeks 3 days pregnant
Make an appointment with your doctor for your 38-week prenatal visit if you haven’t already. Sit down and write out a list of questions you would like to ask your doctor. They can include questions about the next few weeks of pregnancy, labor, delivery, after-care, or anything else you may be wondering about.
37 weeks 4 days pregnant
Read about labor and childbirth and make sure you know the signs of active labor. Include your partner in your research, and brush up on techniques and methods that your partner can use to make you more comfortable during contractions and throughout your stay in the delivery room.
37 weeks 5 days pregnant
Read up on baby blues and postpartum depression (PPD). It’s important to know about these things and to acknowledge that 15% of women experience PPD after birth. Learn the signs and make sure your partner can recognize the signs as well.
37 weeks 6 days pregnant
Try a perineal massage. It’s certainly not the most comfortable thing in the world, but a perineal massage may save you from some burning and tearing down there. The idea is to gently stretch the perineum — the area between your vagina and anus — to minimize burning, pain, and tearing during delivery.
Make sure your hands and perineum are well lubricated for the massage. Insert 2 fingers 3-4 cm (1.2-1.6 inches) into your vagina and gently, but firmly apply pressure downward, toward your anus. Slowly pull your two fingers apart so that you are stretching downwards and outwards. When you begin to feel a tingling sensation, it means that you are stretching the skin. You can also stretch the perineum from the outside by gently pulling the skin outward toward your thighs.
Get your partner to help you with the perineal massage if you have difficulty doing it yourself.
37 weeks 7 days pregnant
Read about baby grooming basics and newborn care. Immerse yourself in a world of baby poop (How many times a day? What color should it be?), pee (How many wet diapers should a newborn be putting out?), spit up (How much is too much?), cleaning (Do I really need to clean the umbilical cord stump with alcohol every time I change a diaper?), bathing (Wait until the stump falls off!), and more.
What to ask your doctor?
You should feel comfortable asking your doctor about anything having to do with the rest of your pregnancy, labor, delivery, after-care, your next period, and more. Questions about your physical, emotional, and mental well-being are all equally important.
Here are some questions you can put on your list:
- What happens if I go past my due date?
- Can I walk around during labor?
- Can I eat and drink during labor?
- What are the standard post-birth newborn tests and procedures?
- At what point do you decide if I will need an episiotomy?
- Will I have lochia if the baby is delivered via C-section?
- How long will I bleed after giving birth?
- When should I be expecting my period?
Be sure to go over your birth plan with your doctor and ask about policies regarding induction, pain medication, emergency cesareans, delivery room rules (who is allowed in), and anything else you would like to be briefed on. Make sure you have all the answers you want, because this may be your last appointment before giving birth.
You made it to week 37 of pregnancy, and for that, you should be proud! By this point, baby is feeling crowded in there and each passing day brings him closer to his big debut.
The urge to clean, organize, and get all ready for a newborn is probably very strong, but don’t forget to put your feet up and relax a little before baby comes!
https://www.thebump.com/pregnancy-week-by-week/37-weeks-pregnant https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/37-weeks-pregnant#takeaway https://www.huggies.com.au/pregnancy/week-by-week/37-weeks-pregnant https://www.webmd.com/baby/your-15th-prenatal-visit-twins https://www.bellybelly.com.au/pregnancy/perineal-massage/ http://www.baby2see.com/development/week37.html
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See all weeks37 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & Baby Development
As you enter week 37 of pregnancy, you are still gaining weight at a rate of around a pound a week, and you are feeling a whole host of symptoms, including gas and bloating, and fatigue and trouble sleeping. But baby will be here in a few weeks, and they’ve reached a milestone: at 37 weeks, they’re considered early term. You’ve got about a month left if baby arrives on time! Here’s what you should know about week 37 of pregnancy.
What To Expect At 37 Weeks Pregnant
- How Many Months Is 37 Weeks Pregnant?
- Your Baby’s Development at 37 Weeks
- Your Body at 37 Weeks
- Frequently Asked Questions About Life at 37 Weeks Pregnant
- 37 Weeks Pregnant Checklist
How Many Months Is 37 Weeks Pregnant?
37 weeks pregnant in months is nine months pregnant, which is part of the third trimester of pregnancy.
Your Baby at 37 Weeks
Your baby is nearing their due date, which means that they could arrive any time now. But until then, they’ll continue putting the finishing touches on their development. Find out what’s happening with your baby at 37 weeks.
- Dexterity: When you’re 37 weeks pregnant, your baby’s fingers are becoming more coordinated as they learn to grasp and hold things—like the umbilical cord and their own hand.
After birth, they’ll hold your pinkie. (Aw!)
- Head-down: Most babies are in a head-down position by now. If yours is breech (feet down) or transverse (side-lying), your doc may talk to you about doing a version procedure (aka external cephalic version or ECV) to hopefully flip baby into position.
- Early term: Did you know: your pregnancy is now considered “early term”? That means your baby is almost fully baked and needs just two more weeks for important brain and lung development. If they were born this week, they’d be more likely to need help in the NICU than they would if they’re born at full term at 39 weeks.
How Big Is Baby at 37 Weeks?
Your baby is 19.1 inches long and weighs 6.3 pounds this week. That’s about the size of a Pound Puppy.
💛 Congratulations 💛
It’s the Final Countdown! (In our best🤘Europe🤘 voice). There are only 21 days until your due date.
37 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound
Fun Fact
The Cesarean is named after Julius Caesar. Supposedly he was born via Cesarean, but this myth has recently been debunked.
Your Body at 37 Weeks Pregnant
The weight gain recommendation at 37 weeks pregnant is still about a pound per week, but many parents-to-be find they’re not gaining much weight in this last month of pregnancy. Definitely talk over your weight gain with your healthcare provider, but know that it’s likely you’ve already put on enough pounds to support your baby until their arrival.
You may also notice your bump doesn’t get much bigger from here on out. That’s because amniotic fluid levels start to reduce at 37 weeks pregnant. Your doc will keep an eye on your level, making sure baby still has plenty of padding.
37 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Not to sound like a broken record, but you’re probably feeling, well, pretty pregnant right about now. Be extra kind to yourself and get as much rest as you can. Here’s what you may be feeling when you’re 37 weeks pregnant.
Your cervix is easily irritated, so a little spotting in the third trimester is normal, especially after sex. However if you notice a lot of blood, call your healthcare provider since it could indicate something is wrong with the placenta.
Gas and bloating
Because of the extra progesterone in your body, you might feel really bloated or have more gas. Try smaller meals and drink lots of water, despite the fact that you’re already running to the bathroom all the time.
Stretch marks
You may find some new tiger stripes on your belly, hips, thighs, arms or bum. These tiny tears within the skin are caused by stretching as your belly’s been growing or if you gained weight quickly. Being prone to stretch marks is more about genetics than it is about anything within your control (like skin care products!), but drinking lots of water and applying oil or cream can’t hurt. Stretch marks will fade after you give birth and will blend in better with your skin tone. Promise.
Trouble sleeping
Many people have trouble sleeping in late pregnancy. Stress reduction techniques, like yoga and meditation could help, and so can getting plenty of gentle exercise.
Nausea and/or diarrhea
Your baby is so big they’re crowding your digestive tract, which can make you feel ill. And also, at this stage in the game, nausea or diarrhea can be early signs of labor.
Big emotions
The last few weeks of pregnancy you might feel everything from excitement so intense it feels like you might burst to boredom, fear and anxiety. For many soon-to-be parents having mixed feelings is normal. “Often, there is a mixture of emotions that is constantly threatening to spill out with tears, anger bursts, or even uncontrollable laughter,” says Skylar Ibarra, a therapist specializing in perinatal mental health. You’re on the cusp of some big changes, so don’t feel bad for having big feelings.
Top Tip for 37 Weeks Pregnant
Try not to be nervous about or overthink your labor and birth outcomes. Remember that “All birth is natural.”
Home Stretch! Have Everything You Need?
With Babylist, you can easily add any item from any store onto ONE registry. You’ll also get a Hello Baby Box full of free (amazing!) goodies and a 15% registry completion discount on almost everything in the Babylist store.
Pregnancy Symptoms Coming up in Week 38
Each week brings you a little closer to meeting your baby. During week 38 you can expect your symptoms to remain steady, though you may start to feel even more heaviness in your pelvic floor and experience more soreness as your joints loosen in preparation for delivery.
Commonly Asked Questions About 37 Weeks Pregnant
You’re now considered “early term.” Just because you’re in the final stretch doesn’t mean you don’t have any more questions.
Could my baby really come any time now?
Yes, but it could also still be quite a while. While your baby could come any day, it’s as common for first time moms to deliver past their due date as it is to deliver before it. To kill time over the next three (or four or five, sorry) weeks, write up a list of fun ways to occupy your remaining pre-baby time. If you need to add a few last-minute chores, go for it, but otherwise, try to come up with ideas that keep you entertained and relaxed, like nature walks, movie nights and prenatal yoga classes.
How do I get friends, family and everyone else I know to stop asking if I’ve had my baby yet?
It can be hard to deal with those overly-excited friends and relatives who are already texting every day to see if your baby has arrived. Find a way to shut them down gently now or you’ll find yourself wanting to toss your phone out the window as their texts increase in frequency over the next couple of weeks. “It’s key to come up with some type of easy-to-remember sentence that clearly sets your boundary, like ‘we really appreciate how excited you are, but please stop asking, as it’s adding stress to my day. I’ll let you know when baby is here and look forward to your support then,’” says Carrie Murphy, a full spectrum doula based in Austin, Texas.
How do I choose a pediatrician?
Choosing your child’s pediatrician can feel like a big deal, luckily, you have a little time to figure out who a good fit might be. While big picture things like your overall values and the way you approach health matter a lot, don’t forget about logistics. “Location, the convenience of getting to the pediatrician’s office, policies and hours of the office all matter,” says Dr. Amaka Nnamani, a pediatrician and author based in Pennsylvania. And don’t forget the power of intuition, says Dr. Nnamani. “Trust your instincts, most of the time they’re right!”
How does my body prepare for labor?
As you go about your day, your body is preparing for labor. These are a few labor preparations that are probably happening at 37 weeks—or will happen soon:
- Braxton Hicks contractions: Some doctors believe these sporadic contractions are toning your muscles for the big event and helping to dilate and efface your cervix. They may also eventually spur your labor contractions. You’ll know when they become true labor contractions when they’re more regular, frequent and intense. That’s when you should call your healthcare provider for instructions.
- Baby drops: At some point, your baby will “drop” into your pelvis, preparing for labor. This can happen right before delivery or a few weeks up to a month ahead. Once baby drops, you might find yourself breathing a little easier, but you also might be heading to the bathroom more often.
- Cervical changes: To prepare for a vaginal birth, the cervix (baby’s exit path from the uterus) needs to soften, dilate (open) and efface (thin). Your OB will start to check for signs it’s making those changes at your appointments. These changes can begin happening weeks before delivery or the same day—every pregnancy is different!—but still, checking in on these changes can help them get a sense of just how ready your body is getting.
- Mucus plug: This isn’t the prettiest picture, but throughout pregnancy, there’s a mass of mucus that acts like a cork, plugging the entryway to the cervix. As dilation and effacement happens, the mucus plug comes off and is expelled like discharge.
Only it’s thick and not your typical discharge, so it can be kind of alarming! Once you notice it, it can be a couple weeks or maybe even a few hours before you go into labor.
- Bloody show: You might notice some slight spotting or streaks of blood—either around the same time as you lose the mucus plug or a little while later. Dubbed “the bloody show”, it’s made up of capillaries that surround the cervix, which can rupture as your lady parts prepare for labor. Once you see this, you might have only a day up to a few days until go time.
Of course, you won’t truly be in labor until you have labor contractions—the regular, increasing ones. Call your healthcare provider whenever you’ve had contractions that are about five minutes apart, lasting 60 seconds each for about an hour. Or if your water breaks or you think you might be leaking amniotic fluid. They’ll tell you when to grab your hospital bag and go.
Here’s a guide for timing contractions (but there are apps that’ll do it for you, as well).
Timing Contractions
Contraction Start Time | End Time | Duration | Frequency |
1:10:15 | 1:11:10 | 55 Seconds | — |
1:18:20 | 1:19:10 | 50 Seconds | 8 min., 5 sec. |
1:25:25 | 1:26:20 | 55 Seconds | 7 min., 5 sec. |
1:31:30 | 1:32:27 | 57 Seconds | 6 min., 5 sec. |
Recommended Products for 37 Weeks Pregnant
You’re in the home stretch. Now, for a little last minute shopping.
- Before you go into labor, book it to the pharmacy or Amazon for a bottle of Colace. After delivery, the last thing you want to do is put any undue strain on your lower abdomen or nether regions. These mild stool softeners (generally safe for nursing mothers, but double check with your doc) can ease postpartum bathroom anxiety (yep, that’s a thing!) and discomfort.
- Save time later by prepping your birth announcement now. Create your design online—Minted and Tiny Prints work well—then all you have to do is insert the perfect picture and your baby’s details once they’ve arrived.
37 Weeks Pregnant Checklist
- Go to your week 37 prenatal visit.
- Get your Group B Strep test, if you haven’t already.
- Pick your pediatrician. The hospital will ask about your baby’s pediatrician upon delivery so medical records can be shared and the doctor will know to expect you. Have contact information handy in your hospital bag.
- Make sure everything is squared away at work so your parental leave is uninterrupted.
- Create a “Baby Watch List” to share news of the baby’s arrival with must-know people.
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37th week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby, the development and weight of the baby, the belly at the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy
At the 36th - 37th week of pregnancy, the baby's body produces hormones important for life. One of them - cortisone - is necessary for the full maturation of the lungs. Iron accumulates actively in the liver. Without this trace element, the proper functioning of the body is impossible. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the liver of the fetus contains five times more iron than that of adults. This supply is enough for the baby for the first six months of life. nine0005
At the 37th week of pregnancy, the main systems of the body continue to improve. The neurons of the brain begin to become covered with myelin sheath, which helps the nerves transmit signals. This process will continue throughout the first year of a child's life.
The ear and nasal cartilages harden, but the bones of the skull, due to the fontanelles, will remain flexible so that it is easier for the baby to overcome the obstacles of the birth canal. The fontanel is an area where there is no bone tissue. A newborn baby has as many as six of them, but most close immediately after birth. As the cranial bones grow, the fontanelles will gradually disappear. nine0005
By the 37th week of pregnancy, the belly stops growing, but the baby continues to gain weight, which is why it becomes more and more crowded. There is practically nowhere to move, so there is less movement than before. But still they should be about 10 during the day.
For many women, the belly begins to sink, which is one of the signs that labor is approaching. If this does not happen by 37 weeks, do not be upset: sometimes the stomach drops only at the very end of pregnancy. But if this still happened, this does not mean that the birth will begin right now - most likely, you need to wait a week or two. Now there will be no problems with breathing, however, due to the strong pressure of the fetus on the bladder, you will have to go to the toilet even more often. nine0005
The huge size of the uterus can still cause discomfort in the spine. Try to get more rest by shifting the main responsibilities around the house to the future dad and other family members.
At 36 - 37 weeks of pregnancy, Braxton-Hicks training bouts intensify and become longer. At the same time, you have a clear feeling of tension and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, but there should not be any pain. Soreness in the lower abdomen and the regular nature of contractions indicate the onset of labor. In this case, you must urgently consult a doctor who will refer you to the hospital. nine0005
At the 36th - 37th week of pregnancy, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase. There is nothing to worry about - the time has come for the mucous plug to come out: its particles are lumps of mucus with red streaks that can be found in light secretions. Sometimes the cork comes out all at once. In this case, you will see a lump of mucus with a volume of about two tablespoons.
One of the risk factors at 36 to 37 weeks of gestation is group B streptococcus. This is a bacterium that can settle in the vagina or around the rectum. Group B streptococcus occurs in about 35% of healthy adults. But if its colonies are present in a pregnant woman, a child may become infected during childbirth. And infected newborns need serious antibiotic treatment and careful monitoring in the hospital, because group B streptococcus can cause dangerous complications in babies, such as meningitis, pneumonia, and blood poisoning. If the test for the presence of this bacterium is positive, your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics before and during childbirth. This measure will prevent the transmission of infection to the baby. nine0005
Childbirth at the 37th week of pregnancy no longer poses a serious danger. In the presence of cramping pains in the abdomen and lower back, early departure of amniotic fluid, you should call an ambulance. Sometimes a woman even needs a premature birth - for example, if she is diagnosed with:
- Fetal hypoxia;
- Infectious disease;
- placental abruption;
- Entwining the baby with the umbilical cord.
In these cases, the method of delivery is chosen by the attending physician. nine0005
At the appointment, the gynecologist will examine you on the armchair for the readiness of the cervix for childbirth, because starting from the 36th - 37th week of pregnancy, the baby may ask to be born at any moment. During a vaginal examination, the doctor pays attention to the location, density and length of the cervix.
While the baby lives in the mother's tummy, the lower segment of the uterus has thick walls, which begin to stretch during childbirth, becoming softer and thinner. This is called "smoothing". Before the onset of childbirth, it is equal to zero, with active labor, the walls of the cervix are smoothed out by 50%, and just before the birth of the baby - by 100%. nine0005
Also at 37 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor checks the degree of disclosure (stretching) of the cervix. This indicator is determined in centimeters. With full disclosure, the width of the pharynx reaches 10 cm. If during the examination it is found that the cervix is not ready for childbirth, the doctor prescribes medication or non-drug means to increase its maturity.
When examined at 37 weeks of pregnancy, the gynecologist takes a smear. The results of the tests will make it possible to judge the presence or absence of infection in the birth canal. If necessary, treatment is prescribed, because at the time of birth, the child should be protected as much as possible from possible infection. Also during this visit, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat, measure your weight and blood pressure, assess the width of the pelvis and the presentation of the fetus. nine0005
Ultrasound at this time is usually not done. It may be needed only if any abnormalities were detected during pregnancy.
Starting from the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby can be born at any time. Check if everything is prepared for the hospital. At the last moment, you will not be up to it. When packing bags, don't forget to put sanitary pads (not tampons!) and two or three bras in them.
If insomnia bothers you, be more active during the day. At 36 - 37 weeks of pregnancy, you can do simple housework, walk in the fresh air, attend courses for expectant mothers and do gymnastics for pregnant women. And before you go to bed, air the bedroom well. nine0005
Keep track of your nutrition. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, you should consume as many dairy products as possible. Let your daily menu include: kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, curdled milk, sour cream and cheese. In addition, you really need foods rich in iron and vitamin C.
At 37 weeks pregnant, many couples refuse to have intimate relationships. With good physical condition and the absence of medical contraindications, sex is not prohibited at this stage. nine0005 Pregnancy and childbirth
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nine0000 37 week36 week Week 38
About the Child
At 37 weeks pregnant, the baby is still growing. His digestive and respiratory systems are already ready for independent work. The child has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat to maintain his body temperature. Bones have accumulated calcium, which provides them with strength. The strong bones of the skull will then protect the brain, and the fontanelles remain not yet overgrown - they will help the baby's head to develop during childbirth and pass the birth canal unhindered. The fontanelles usually close up 4-6 months after birth. The cartilages of the auricles and nose are compacted. There is intestinal peristalsis. Surfactant has accumulated in the alveoli of the lungs in sufficient quantities to take the first breath. The baby improves the movements that imitate breathing. The baby not only swallows amniotic fluid, but also sucks water into the lungs during respiratory movements. The lung fluid in a child is about 300 ml, but by the end of pregnancy it becomes much less. If the child suffered from hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) during pregnancy, then the meconium that accumulates in his intestines during the entire period enters the amniotic fluid at the time of intestinal peristalsis.
This meconium can pass into the lung fluid. And in the postpartum period, meconium particles remain in the lungs of a weakened child who suffered from hypoxia. This is a favorable environment for the development of infection, and such a child very often suffers pneumonia in the early postpartum period. The nervous system of the child is also fully formed. Nerve trunks are covered with a special sheath. This process is called myelination of nerve fibers. The placenta begins to age, the amount of amniotic fluid gradually decreases. nine0005
The woman experiences shortness of breath with any movement. Her sleep at night has become restless, so daytime rest is also necessary. Walking in the fresh air, breathing exercises and stretching exercises are still necessary. It is necessary to continue monitoring fetal movements and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Before childbirth, and before them there are 3-4 weeks left, she must be very careful about the secretions so that the newly born child does not get sick. Immediately after childbirth, they try to put the baby on the mother's stomach and attach it to the chest. This is of great importance for strengthening the immunity of the child. Very quickly, microbes from the mother's skin are colonized on its skin. Immediately, his skin begins to develop its own immunity. And in the contents of the first feeding there is a huge amount of antibodies that a healthy child will immediately take advantage of and protect himself from infection from the inside. After this, the afterbirth (placenta with fetal membranes) should be born. When the child sucks on the mother's breast, the uterus will contract reflexively, and the placenta will quickly come out. nine0005
Watching weight
At the end of pregnancy, at the 37th week, a woman needs to carefully monitor her weight. Weekly body weight at this time should increase by 150–250 g. Edema may appear on the legs. The doctor carefully conducts the last weeks of pregnancy, analyzing the condition and analyzes of the expectant mother.