How to stop baby putting thumb in mouth
How to Stop Baby From Sucking Thumb
As parents, we often wonder if these thumbsucking habits will affect our child’s development.
While it’s completely normal for babies to suck their thumbs, parents should still carefully monitor their child’s teeth development.
Consider these factors and tips from the board certified pediatric dentists at Jenkins & LeBlanc.
When Will My Child Stop Sucking Their Thumb?
Children typically stop sucking their thumb between the ages of two and four years old, or by the time the permanent front teeth are ready to erupt.
However, if your child continues to suck on their fingers or thumbs beyond this age, it might affect the shape of your child’s mouth and teeth.
Effects of Thumbsucking on Baby Teeth
Children who passively rest their thumb in their mouth may be less likely to experience dental issues than those who actively do it.
Prolonged and excessive thumbsucking can affect your child’s growth and teeth development. Some children may develop problems with their baby (primary) teeth, which hold space in the jaws for permanent teeth that are growing under the gums.
Problems that could affect your child’s physical health include:
- Crowded, crooked teeth or overbite issues
- Speech development issues
- Misaligned jaw
- Changes in the structure of the roof of the mouth
If your child sucks their thumb, consider have your pediatric dentist examine the mouth to make sure it’s developing correctly.
Are There Benefits to Thumbsucking?
Thumbsucking or fingersucking is a natural reflex for children and can make them feel secure or soothe them while falling asleep.
Thumbs provide your baby with a built-in way to calm themselves down any time they’re feeling cranky or need comfort. In fact, many babies begin to suck their fingers or thumbs while still in the womb.
What about Using Pacifiers?
Pacifiers can affect the teeth in the same way as thumb and finger sucking, although pacifier use is often an easier habit to break.
Never dip your child’s pacifier in sugar or honey. Avoid cleaning the pacifier in your own mouth because it can pass cavity-causing bacteria to your child.
How Can I Help My Child Stop Sucking Their Thumb?
Different techniques work for different children, but here are some easy ways to help you child stop sucking their thumb.
- Children often suck their thumb for comfort or when they are feeling insecure or anxious. Focus on addressing the cause of their anxiety and provide alternative comfort.
- Praise your child when not thumbsucking. Create a chart and reward them for a change in behavior.
- If your child sucks their thumb when they are tired, comfort them with an alternate security item.
- You can also try reminding them of their habit by bandaging the thumb or putting a sock or glove on their hand at night.
- Consider a baby thumb guard.
Have Questions?
For more information about developing your child’s healthy smile, browse our pediatric dentist blog.
We explore a variety of topics about your child’s oral health, including cavities, teething tips, and baby bottle tooth decay.
If you have any questions about thumbsucking or your child’s dental health, our dentists at Jenkins & LeBlanc are here to help. We can examine your child’s mouth and help explain how thumbsucking may affect their teeth development.
Thumb Sucking In Infants – Reasons & Ways To Stop It?
Ever had your infant aggressively suck their thumb for no apparent reason? Or are you the parent of a kid who unwittingly sucks his thumb? You may wonder if it is safe and hygienic for babies to suck their thumb and how to make them stop this habit. Below we’ll discuss why they do what they do and how you can help them kick the habit.
Is the Habit of Thumb Sucking Normal in Babies?
The act of thumb sucking is natural and there are many kids out there who do the same. In fact, some ultrasounds reveal that the act of thumb sucking may start in the womb!
Why Do Babies Suck Their Thumb and How Long Does It Last?
There could be numerous reasons for a baby sucking their thumb. From beating away boredom to keeping anxiety at bay, it helps your child cope with the environment. While many parents look down upon it, it is actually an act of emotional maturity. It is a sign that the child is asserting independence. Rather than crying or seeking you out, they have used their own resources to adapt to their surroundings.
There is no right answer for the duration of thumb sucking as every child is different. As a rule of thumb (no pun intended), most kids stop it on their own after they are five years old.
Can Thumb Sucking Cause Any Problems?
During infancy, thumb sucking isn’t a problem. In fact, it gives you as a parent enough breathing room to pursue other activities. There are some misconceptions such as the belief that thumb sucking can cause speech disabilities. This is nothing but an unsubstantiated claim without any facts to prove it.
However, thumb sucking starts becoming a problem later as the child’s milk teeth begin to fall off. One of the thumb sucking effects includes its potential to interrupt the correct alignment of the teeth. It can also lead to an oral fixation later in life where they may replace the thumb with cigarettes, alcohol or binge eating.
When Should Parents Intervene?
As the main danger of thumb sucking is improper teeth alignment, parents should intervene when their kids begin to get their permanent teeth. The best solution is to follow a wait and watch approach. If they have not grown out of the habit even after they are no longer infants, you can use subtle ways to try to wean them away from the habit.
Effective Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking In Infants
Here is a list of approaches that can be used to kick the habit:
- Don’t Be Harsh: One of the biggest mistakes that parents make is getting upset about thumb sucking. As the behaviour is prompted due to anxiety, adding negativity is only going to increase the stress level for the infant.
- Finding Their Own Path: Most infants eventually grow out of the habit without any intervention being needed.
- Distractions: Find out when your baby starts sucking on his thumb. These should help you identify the triggers for thumb sucking, such as watching television or being left alone in a room. You could distract your child using words or actions when you are in the room. In case you need to go out of your baby’s field of vision, get a toy that you know would keep him engaged.
- Talk to Them: Use baby-talk to help him understand that thumb sucking isn’t good for them. Though it may seem like a futile exercise, research has shown that infants are able to understand words better than previously thought.
- YouTube Videos: Technology has helped parents access information easily. You could try the same on your infant by showing him videos of the dangers of thumb sucking. As a precaution, you could screen the videos that you feel are appropriate and build a playlist around it.
- Praise: A study conducted on infants showed that they are well-aware of the concept of praise.
Be sure to make your baby feel good about not sucking their thumb every day. However, avoid any kind of negative criticism as it could make them anxious.
- Alternatives: Due to some of the dangers associated with thumb sucking, you could try alternatives such as a blanket or cuddly teddy bear.
- Pacifiers: One can use pacifiers to wean their infants away from thumb sucking. Choose specific times during the day when they can use the pacifier and gradually reduce the timing till they don’t require it anymore.
- Mittens: You can try to physically cover the hands with the help of some soft gloves, mittens or a thumb guard.
- Bitter Medicine: Apply some bitter ointment (that is safe to consume) on your child’s thumb to wean him away from the habit. Avoid making it a punishment by showing constant affection.
Thumb Sucking Vs Pacifiers
Below are the pros and cons associated with the two approaches used by parents to control baby finger sucking:
Thumb Sucking:
- Easy Access
- Teeth problems later in life
- Emotional independence
- Quicker sleep compared to pacifiers
- Reduction in breastfeeding
- May cause ear infections as it opens the auditory tubes
- Control over the sucking by parents
- Sucking in sleep reduces risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
While parents being worried about their kids is understandable, you must realize that thumb sucking is natural to most infants. Though there are some inherent dangers to it, a gradual approach of weaning your kids over time is enough for them to kick the habit.
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Baby Putting Hands in Mouth
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How to wean a child from sucking his thumb: a step-by-step instruction from psychologists
First, let's figure out why this happens at all? Why does a child suck his thumb? Indeed, in fact, this is a fairly common occurrence, not only in families with kids, but also where there are preschoolers. At what age is thumb sucking normal?
— At the age of 2-3 months, the child finds his hands and immediately puts them into his mouth for examination, says child psychologist Ksenia Nesyutina . - This is absolutely normal, and if parents, worried that the child will suck their fingers in the future, do not allow sucking and put a pacifier in their mouth, then this harms the development of the child. Indeed, in order to start using the hands, in order to develop motor skills, the hands must first be found and examined by the mouth. nine0003
Well, if the baby has grown up, but the habit has remained, you need to figure it out. There are many reasons for thumb sucking.
- At about 1 year of age, thumb sucking may indicate an unsatisfied sucking reflex. As a rule, at this time, children are actively transitioned from breastfeeding or formula to regular food. Not all children easily adapt to this and sometimes begin to express lack by sucking their fingers, explains Ksenia Nesyutina. “At the age of 2 years, thumb sucking is usually a sign that something is bothering the child. Often these anxieties are associated with separation from the mother: the mother goes to her room for the night and the child, experiencing this, begins to calm himself by sucking his finger. But there may be other more complex anxieties. In the future, this may transform into the fact that the child will bite his nails, pick at wounds on the skin or pull out his hair. nine0003
Thus, we understand: if the baby is just beginning to get acquainted with his body and the world around him, then let him calmly suck his fingers. Nothing will fade. But if time passes, the little person grows up and has been going to the garden for a long time, and the fingers are still “hiding” in the mouth, measures must be taken.
But weaning a child from sucking his thumb is not an easy task.
Photo: globallookpress.comFind the moment
It turns out that finger-to-mouth is not just a habit. According to our expert, thumb sucking can be psychologically an established compensatory mechanism. nine0003
“In other words, thumb sucking gives the child (compensates) something that he cannot receive emotionally,” says Ksenia Nesyutina. - For example, we are talking about an anxious mother - it is difficult for her to calm the child, give him support and confidence. In order to somehow calm himself, the child does not use “mom's calm”, but sucks his thumb. That is, the child is already 3-4-5 years old, and he is still calming down like a baby of 3-4 months - with the help of sucking.
To wean a child, you need to find the root cause. That is, to understand why the child puts his hands in his mouth, what he replaces in this way and how he can provide this need on an emotional level. nine0003
— It is important to pay attention to when the child puts his fingers in his mouth: for example, before going to bed, when he plays with toys himself, in the kindergarten. Most likely, these are stressful moments for the child. It is important to help the child adapt to this activity so that it does not cause so much anxiety in the baby, the psychologist recommends.
Through the game
It's probably not a secret for you that the game for children is not only an option to pass the time, but also a way to get to know the world around, help in development and sometimes even therapy. nine0003
Play can help a child deal with anxiety.
— If a child is older than 3 years, then from the point of view of psychology, it is possible to wean a child if the very need to suck his thumb goes away, — notes Ksenia Nesyutina. - That is, the child is anxious, and compensates for the anxiety by sucking his thumb. And here parents should be included: you can help to cope with anxieties, fears with the help of games, conversations, lullabies, reading fairy tales. It is much better if the child plays with toys or draws what he is afraid of, what he is worried about than just compensating for this tension by sucking his thumb. nine0003
Prohibit: yes or no
However, you must admit that it is very unpleasant to watch how a grown child slobbers his finger again. The parent is an adult, he understands that this is wrong, but not everyone knows how to respond competently. And what begins? “Remove your finger from your mouth!”, “So that I don’t see this”, “It’s impossible!” and everything like that.
But, firstly, such a technique does not always work. And secondly, it can be fraught with consequences.
“A direct ban on thumb sucking or other drastic measures, such as sprinkling pepper on fingers, lead to even more negative consequences,” emphasizes psychologist Nesyutina. - If earlier the child could not cope with psychological stress and compensated for it by sucking his thumb, now he cannot even do this. And what's going on? The tension goes inside, into the body and can subsequently manifest itself in even more “strange” behavior or even diseases. nine0003
Therefore, you should not solve the problem with a "whip" - it is better to re-read the previous two points again.
No stress - no problems
And there is also a story: everything seems to be fine, the child does not have bad habits, but suddenly - once! - and the child begins to suck his fingers. And the child, by the way, is already four years old!
Don't panic.
- In moments of stress, even a child of 3-4 years of age or even a preschooler may begin to suck his fingers. You can pay attention to this, but, as a rule, as soon as the stress is compensated, the habit disappears by itself, says our expert. nine0003
But stress can be different, and if you understand the reason (for example, the whole family moved to a new place or the grandmother scolded the child), then this can be said, consoled, reassured. And if thumb sucking occurs, it would seem, for no apparent reason, then it will not prevent the parent from “pricking up his ears” and trying to understand, ask the child what is bothering him or who scared him.
Pay attention to… yourself
No matter how blasphemous it may sound, it happens that the reason for the baby's anxiety lies in his… parents. Yes, it’s hard to admit it to yourself, but it happens that it is the mother who creates the stressful situation. nine0003
— Among other things, it is often helpful for a parent to see a psychotherapist himself. This helps to remove the emotional stress from the parent, which anxious mothers tend to broadcast to their children, says Ksenia Nesyutina.
Frequently asked questions and answers
What is the risk of constant thumb sucking?
— If you do not go into physiological problems that may be associated with bite, speech, then at least this is a symptom that says that the child has difficulties in the psycho-emotional plan. These are not necessarily complex unsolvable problems, but it is worth paying attention to and, perhaps, the parent should change the way they care for and communicate with the child, the psychologist recommends. nine0003
When should you seek help from a specialist?
It is necessary to go to a specialist if this issue worries a parent a lot. The fact is that thumb sucking most often indicates that the parent cannot provide the child with a sense of stability and reliability. And if the mother herself is drowning in anxiety, then help from the outside will definitely not hurt here, moreover, the help of a specialist, says Ksenia Nesyutina. - If we are talking about a child, then it is better to start with a pediatrician. He will appoint an examination of the necessary specialists. But, as a rule, it is with this problem that psychologists work. nine0003
Simple tips. How to wean a child from bad habits - Moscow 24, 27.11.2017
November 27, 2017, 13:43
Do you notice that your child constantly bites his nails, sucks his thumb or puts everything in his mouth? How to deal with bad habits in children and what do they really talk about? The editors of the portal "Moscow 24" decided to help the parents and explained everything in pictures. The author of the images is Polina Breeva.
- Don't blame children for biting their nails, pulling out their hair, or picking their nose. Perhaps the reason for this is yourself. Nails in the mouth may indicate neuroses that provoke frequent quarrels between adults. Many habits appear due to a lack of attention, affection, too strict upbringing and punishment. Another possible reason is too early weaning.
By themselves, these habits are not dangerous, but if you do not get rid of them, then, having become, for example, the president of a large company, in a difficult situation, you can start chewing your tie or picking your nose. At the same time, frequent anxiety can lead to more serious consequences, such as nocturnal enuresis. nine0002 1/8
Children should not be blamed for biting their nails, pulling out their hair, or picking their nose. Perhaps the reason for this is yourself. Nails in the mouth may indicate neuroses that provoke frequent quarrels between adults. Many habits appear due to a lack of attention, affection, too strict upbringing and punishment. Another possible reason is too early weaning. By themselves, these habits are not dangerous, but if you do not get rid of them, then, having become, for example, the president of a large company, in a difficult situation, you can start chewing your tie or picking your nose.
At the same time, frequent anxiety can lead to more serious consequences, such as nocturnal enuresis. nine0003
- The habit of biting nails or "delicious" inedible objects, as a rule, appears from the age of three or four. Usually nails bite "themselves" and "themselves" bite when the child is worried or afraid of something. You should not scare the baby that if he tastes everything, he will soon become toothless, like a grandfather, and if he pulls out his hair, he will go bald. This will only increase his anxiety and inner tension. Instead, suggest brushing or combing your teeth more often. nine0002 2/8
The habit of biting nails or "tasty" inedible objects, as a rule, appears from the age of three or four. Usually nails bite "themselves" and "themselves" bite when the child is worried or afraid of something. You should not scare the baby that if he tastes everything, he will soon become toothless, like a grandfather, and if he pulls out his hair, he will go bald.
This will only increase his anxiety and inner tension. Instead, suggest brushing or combing your teeth more often. nine0003
- The list of bad childhood habits is complemented by licking and biting lips. Sucking on the upper or lower lip is hard to miss: they become bruised, inflamed and cracked, and in the wind and frost, the lips quickly become weathered, crusts form, on which infections or herpes can appear.
Licking and lip biting completes the list of bad childhood habits. Sucking on the upper or lower lip is hard to miss: they become bruised, inflamed and cracked, and in the wind and frost, the lips quickly become weathered, crusts form, on which infections or herpes can appear. nine0003
- If a child bites his nails, psychologists advise not to scold him for it. Instead, it is better to occupy the baby's hands with something. Give him a ball or paint with him. If you understand that he bites his nails out of boredom, while watching the cartoon, let him complete the puzzle.
If a child bites his nails, psychologists advise not to scold him for it. Instead, it is better to occupy the baby's hands with something. Give him a ball or paint with him. If you understand that he bites his nails out of boredom, while watching the cartoon, let him complete the puzzle. nine0003
- Older children should be taught by example to cut and clean their nails on time. You can buy a special children's manicure set for your child. Girls - offer to do a beautiful manicure (like mom) if she stops biting her nails.
Older children should be taught by example to cut and clean their nails on time. You can buy a special children's manicure set for your child. Girls - offer to do a beautiful manicure (like mom) if she stops biting her nails. nine0003
- The hardest thing is to get a child out of the habit of thumb sucking. Most often it is the thumb or index finger on the hand, less often the big toe.
The constant pressure of the finger on the front teeth can lead to a defect, since the tissues that hold the teeth are very plastic during childhood. With frequent thumb sucking, the incisors of the upper jaw may grow incorrectly. In addition, due to the habit of sucking a finger or biting nails, eggs of worms can enter the body along with dirt. nine0002 6/8
Thumb sucking is the hardest thing to get a child out of. Most often it is the thumb or index finger on the hand, less often the big toe. The constant pressure of the finger on the front teeth can lead to a defect, since the tissues that hold the teeth are very plastic during childhood. With frequent thumb sucking, the incisors of the upper jaw may grow incorrectly. In addition, due to the habit of sucking a finger or biting nails, eggs of worms can enter the body along with dirt. nine0003
- It is not very pleasant to watch how children wield their fingers in the nose.
In addition, because of this, they can be teased by their peers. But before moving on to getting rid of the habit, take a closer look at yourself and those around you. It may turn out that the baby adopted this habit from one of the adults. So, if you like to read in the toilet, then perhaps one day you will see that your children do the same.
nine0002 It's not very pleasant to watch children use their fingers in their noses. In addition, because of this, they can be teased by their peers. But before moving on to getting rid of the habit, take a closer look at yourself and those around you. It may turn out that the baby adopted this habit from one of the adults. So, if you like to read in the toilet, then perhaps one day you will see that your children do the same. - When a child sucks his thumb, bites his nails, or bites his lips, it naturally soothes him. For the same reason, many adults put cigarettes or a bottle of beer in their mouths.