How does joint custody work with child support
Are Child Support Payments Required If You Have Joint Custody?
People getting divorced commonly have the misunderstanding that parents with joint custody do not have to pay child support. In truth, child support payments depend on the parents’ unique circumstances. If child support may become an issue in your divorce, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities.
Even Parents With Joint Custody May Owe Child Support
In North Carolina, all parents are responsible for supporting the reasonable needs of their children as long as they have parental rights. This responsibility lasts until the child turns eighteen, graduates from school, fails to attend school on a regular basis, or reaches age 20, whichever comes first. Additionally, if a child becomes emancipated prior to the age of 18, the parents are no longer obligated to pay support. It does not matter if a child or parent does not have U.S. citizenship, or if a parent lives out of state. Moreover, a child could be entitled to receive support from a parent who is not listed on the birth certificate.
When parents have joint custody, they may not have the children for exactly equal amounts of time. Joint physical custody means that each parent has custody for at least one-third of the year (more than 122 overnight visits per year). Also, parents with joint custody may have different incomes or contribute in unequal amounts towards the children’s expenses.
As a result, in a joint custody arrangement, one parent may still need to pay child support to the other parent. The parent who pays child support tends to be the one who makes more money. If not, then the other spouse may contribute more to the children’s expenses or spend more time with them.
Determining the Amount of Child Support
To determine the amount of child support, the court will look to many factors, including:
- Each parent’s income from any source
- Any self-employment income and expenses
- Potential income (such as if a parent is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed)
- Existing child support obligations
- Responsibility for other children
- Child care costs
- Health insurance and health care costs
- Expenses for education or transporting the children between houses
The amount of time parents each have custody of the children affects the amount of child support owed. In North Carolina, child support is calculated using a formula set by the Conference of Chief District Court Judges. The court calculates each parent’s support amount based on the amount of time the kids spend with him or her. Then each parent’s amounts are compared to each other, and the parent with the higher support amount pays the difference to the other parent.
Determining your possible child support obligations if you are divorcing your spouse can be complicated. You should seek the help of an experienced family law attorney to assist you. If you have questions about child support or child custody in North Carolina, reach out to our team of lawyers.
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If you are considering ending your marriage, the team at New Direction Family Law is available today to answer your questions. With decades of combined legal experience, our attorneys are knowledgeable, effective, and compassionate professionals. We will help you understand your legal rights and work hard toward your best outcome. We proudly serve clients in Wake, Johnston, Durham, and surrounding counties. Contact New Direction Family Law at (919) 646-6561 to schedule a consultation, or visit us at our website.
Who pays child support in joint custody?
Do you pay child support with joint custody?
The short answer is: yes. Shared parenting arrangements that include joint physical custody do not negate child support obligations between parents. But there are many key factors that may affect the amount of child support owed.
When one parent has sole physical custody, typically the other, non-custodial parent will be responsible for making child support payments.
These child support payments help the custodial parent with providing shelter, food, clothing, and other necessities for their children. Learn more about what’s covered by child support in this article.
When physical custody is shared, however, both parents will be providing those basics to their children independently. That fact may lead some co-parents to believe that their state's child support laws will not apply to them, but that's simply not the case.
Certain states do allow judges discretion over when it's appropriate to deviate from the state's child support formulas, and some may choose to do so for situations that involve joint physical custody. But that's not a guarantee and a deviation from standard child support formulas could still involve one parent being responsible for child support payments in some form.
Income Shares Model
The income shares model uses the combined monthly income of parents and the number of children to determine child support obligations. Once the child support obligation is determined, the court uses the parents’ proportional contributions to the combined monthly income to divide the obligation between them.
There is a refined version of the Income Shares model, called the Melson Formula, that also takes a parent's ability to meet their own basic needs into account when calculating child support obligations. The Melson Formula is only used by three states: Delaware, Hawaii, and Montana.
Parenting time
Amount of time affects child custody. Many states have provisions in their child support laws that take the allocation of parenting time into account when calculating child support obligations.
Even parents who do not have an equal 50/50 split in parenting time may see a reduction in their child support payments.
When determining how parenting time should affect child support obligation, courts frequently use the number of overnights each parent has with their children. Many court websites have parenting time calculators or worksheets to help co-parents determine the number of nights each has for a certain year.
Certain states also take 'equivalent care' into account when modifying child support obligations. Equivalent care, which may be referred to by a different term in your state, is time spent with one parent that does not include overnight stays but during which the parent still incurs expenses roughly equivalent to parenting time with an overnight stay.
Parent Income
In certain situations where parents have equal amounts of parenting time and also have roughly equal income, it may be the case that no child support is paid between co-parents. If co-parents come to collaborative custody agreements that no child support is to be paid between them, some courts may be able to accept that agreement if, and only if, they determine that it's in the best interests of the child.
However, if there are differences in income between parents, that will have an effect on the amount of child support owed.
Family law is complicated, and child support laws are even more complicated with many added factors that have the potential to affect the calculations of child support obligations.
It's absolutely vital that parents consult a legal professional and trusted law firm in their area about their own child support issues.
How to Prevent 50/50 Custody?
Sometimes a parent would like to prevent joint physical custody. The most essential aspect of joint custody is that a custody agreement may be modified at any time if one parent can demonstrate a change in circumstances.
Reasons for Not Gaining Primary Physical Custody or Joint Physical Custody
Many courts favor joint physical and legal custody for both parents because it is in the child's best interests to have a connection with both parents.
However, if the sole best interest of the kid is to be given physical custody to a single parent, the court will do so.
For example, if one parent has a history of maltreatment or neglect that might endanger a child or children, shared physical custody may be denied.
Additionally, courts might refuse shared physical custody if one parent has substance abuse or mental health issues that would prevent them from providing adequate care for their kid.
Even if you are granted sole physical custody, the court will continue to work hard to include the other parent back into your child's life by allowing them visitation rights, supervised if necessary, or directing mediation and therapy.
Because it offers a considerably better outcome for the kid, most psychological experts and legal professionals advocate joint custody.
There are a variety of reasons why a parent might not acquire shared physical custody. The following are some examples:
- Incarceration – if one parent is incarcerated or in jail, they are physically unable to provide a home or care for them.
- Relocation - If one parent has plans to move from the state or country, the court may find that it is best for that child to stay in sole custody with the parent that is not relocating.
Reasons for Not Gaining Sole Legal Custody
The issues that might prevent a parent from receiving shared legal custody are comparable to those that might prevent them from obtaining shared physical custody.
- Relocation
- Mental health issues
- Domestic violence
- Ongoing drug or alcohol abuse
- Child abuse, maltreatment, or neglect
- Incarceration or jail time
Child Custody is Complex and for Family Law Experts
The most important thing to know about joint custody is that any custody agreement may be altered at any time if one parent files a petition and demonstrates a change in circumstances. Custody is a difficult topic, and the rules differ by state and jurisdiction. If you have concerns about custody, we recommend that you speak with an experienced family law attorney in your region to learn more.
Develop and approve in the State Duma a law on joint custody of a child
To oblige the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children to develop and approve in the State Duma a law on joint custody of a child after the parents divorce. Make appropriate amendments to the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
Currently, in most civilized countries of the world (England, France, Sweden, Norway, Israel, Canada, Australia, etc.), a law on joint custody of a child after a divorce has been adopted and is successfully operating. nine0006 In accordance with this law, after a divorce, the parents share the time during which the child is with each of them, that is, it is possible for the child to live together alternately with the mother and father.
According to law:
1. A court decision on the residence of the child with the father for a long period from ... to ... (for example, from 01.06 to 31.08 and from 01.10 to 31.10) must be issued. A similar decision is issued in the hands of the mother.
2. Depending on how long the child lives with the father, the latter must be given a discount on alimony. In the extreme case, if the child lives 50% of the time with the father, 50% of the time with the mother, neither of the parties pays child support. If, for example, the child lives with the father for 3 months a year, the father must receive a 50% discount on child support. That is, for example, if there is one child, the amount of alimony for such a father should not be 25% (1/4 of all income - as is customary in modern practice), but only 12.5%. nine0006 The adoption of the law will eliminate the inequality in the rights of men and women to raise a child in the Russian Federation, which are violated due to the fact that in 100% of cases in a divorce, the child remains with the mother, and the father always receives bondage in the form of alimony and cannot exercise his right to communicate with the child (in practice, a woman does not bear any responsibility for violating the "schedule of visiting the child. "
The adoption of the law will make it possible to eliminate the violation of the child's right to be raised by both parents, which are violated due to the fact that in 100% of cases, in case of divorce, the child remains with the mother, and the father cannot exercise his right to communicate with the child, does not have the means to raise him . nine0006 As you know, the problem of fulfilling the "schedule of visiting a child" has not yet been fully resolved. This schedule determines the short period of communication between the child and the father (for example, for 1 day for a period of 2 times a month). And there are still a number of "legitimate" ways to refuse to visit the father, despite the presence of such a schedule established by the court. As an example, a legitimate reason for refusing to visit a child (on the father’s territory) is a fictitious illness of the child (everyone knows how sickness certificates are taken in Russian clinics), as well as the child’s leaving on vacation (in the US judicial system, for example, leaving the child’s vacation to vacation is not a reason for violating the visiting schedule). nine0006 The presence of a court decision on the residence of the child with the father for a long time eliminates the problem of compliance with the "schedule of visiting the child", because. in the future, the father is able to independently treat the child, take the child on vacation, etc.
The proposed legislation should develop criteria by which to decide whether a father is eligible for joint custody. Joint custody should not be allowed for fathers who have a criminal record, are unemployed, do not have housing, are alcohol abusers, etc. The amount of time for which the father is given a child under joint custody should be determined on the basis of recommendations from the guardianship and guardianship authorities. This period is determined after checking the living conditions of the father. nine0006 The presence of a law on joint custody of a child will favorably affect the health and spiritual development of children, and will ensure the equality of spouses in the event of a divorce.
Adoption of a law on joint custody of a child after the parents divorce.
90,000 joint custody of the child (pros, cons)
in the west works like that . nine0006 Children live 50/50.
But this is necessary so that the living conditions allow.
And approach the question without emotion.
How will it affect children?
Many questions.
9000 Such guardianship is not suitable for grandmothers.

the only guest
To communicate with the father with him and money only for the child, I would agree. But I can't give a child 50/50.
Already posted 500 times. This is all theory, nothing more. Ideally, both parents invest a share of their time and a share of their finances in their offspring. Well, you always write some kind of heresy "does not want to pay with money, so let him" pay "by living / communicating with the child. " In fact, it turns out that investing finances / time is either the one who wants it, or the one who has no choice (as an example, the child who was not really needed by the mother after the divorce, whom she gave birth to on an aerial basis / by accident / "Schaub was like everyone else "or so that the husband does not leave). nine0017
If a man can handle it. And this will be comfortable and psychologically to go there here .And if the mother trusts, and won’t worry that she doesn’t see the child for 2 weeks. Then yes. But then I would have refused the money better if she doesn’t want to give than to give the child for 2 weeks to no one knows where, the man probably also has a woman, If she is very busy with work, will she be able to devote proper time to the child. If you do not want to pay child support, you can buy food, clothes, etc. for the child. nine0017
If a man can handle it. And this will be comfortable and psychologically to go there .And if the mother trusts, and won’t worry that she doesn’t see the child for 2 weeks. Then yes. But then I would have refused the money better if she doesn’t want to give than to give the child for 2 weeks to no one knows where, the man probably also has a woman, If she is very busy with work, will she be able to devote proper time to the child. If you do not want to pay child support, you can buy food, clothes, etc. for the child. nine0017
The child is so drawn to them, laughs, jokes, rejoices at least a little attention, even though he would see his father alive.
Why would a man buy de facto food and clothes for someone else's child? What good does it do him?
Sun City
What does "if mom trusts" mean?
A child is not property or property. He has two parents. Should dad trust?
The issue of the conditions created for the child is checked by the guardianship authorities, and not by mom / dad / trusts.
You have a consumer attitude towards children, this is not good.
Why would a man buy de facto food and clothes for someone else's child? What good does it do him?
Wang probably won’t be pleased either if the ex-wife brings some kind of shalapy who will command your child, and this is not the worst thing. So mom will not be calm in her heart, how does someone else’s aunt treat the child that she and What the hell is not needed. And the services that live and spend the night with you every day will begin to check. You gave them up. nine0017
In principle, yes, it will decide, but only if the child does not need to be paid attention for 24 hours (kindergarten, school), otherwise no.
Sun City
This is not heresy. Heresy is what you write. In many countries, the issue of alimony and participation in the upbringing of children is resolved more reasonably than in Russia. For example, in some countries they pay not 25%, but the amount needed by the child. It can be 5% and 10% and 20% (depending on the parent's income, the higher the income, the lower the percentage), there is also joint custody. The main thing is the child, therefore, the regulations are prescribed in such a way as to minimize the tension between the parents (this also affects the child). nine0017
Sun City
Guardianship checks only the created conditions. This is the norm for any country.
Joint custody helps to separate in a way that is in the best interests of the child. That's just not to endure each other. Someone else's aunt and someone else's uncle is not as scary as scandals in the house with a child. It's just that we, Russians, lag behind the world in development, it is still difficult for us to perceive this.
Maybe then it’s better not to make trouble with yourself. How will you act then, and if you are strongly attached to your mother and you will be bored, then what will you tear off with screams. experts
- nine0005 Maxim Sorokin
Practicing psychologist
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Kremenetskaya Maria
Speech therapist - defectologist
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- nine0005 Vladimir Titarenko
Fitness nutritionist
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Maria Burlakova
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- nine0005 Ivanova Svetlana
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Osipova Ksenia Andreevna
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- nine0005 Anna Antonchik
Female psychologist
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Maria Sinyapkina
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- nine0005 Klimkova Tatyana
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Galimov Ildar
Family psychologist
271 answers
I have already explained how idiotic your joint custody is. You again "but in other countries ...". Divorce due to alcoholism / sadism / indifference of the second parent (father / mother, it doesn’t matter)? Well, how to give him a child for 50%? The second parent DOES NOT WANT to communicate with the child after the divorce. And what, to shove a child to him by force, so that he would "educate"? In the best case, the child will be transferred to grandparents. And your phrase "as much money as the child needs" is generally a MASTERPIECE! And how much does a child need, you can specify? In Russia, the average salary is 25-30 thousand, even half of the salary from each parent is only 28 thousand. Well, is this enough per month for a child? nine0017
Maybe then it’s better not to make a fuss. like something, and just don’t want to go at all. How will you act then, and if you are strongly attached to your mother and you will be bored, then what will you tear off screaming.
I think we are not talking about marginals. And about people who are not ready to part with their children, but cannot live with their ex-spouse.
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may then take yourself to scandal yourself. Assign the attitude in the family. Do not always stepfish and stepmother are good. And if the child is older and doesn’t like something, she won’t want to go at all. all with parents. nine0017
I think it's not about marginals. And about people who are not ready to part with their children, but cannot live with their ex-spouse.
My ex and I have joint custody of our children. A week with her, a week with me. Vacations and holidays according to the schedule. If someone is going on vacation and wants to take their children with them, then they have priority. nine0017
People who just don't want to live with their spouse just talk about everything. And divorces are precisely because of the "outcasts" (the majority), and not simply because "I do not want to live with my husband / wife."
nothing. stupid question :)0017
Of course, it's better when a child lives with mom and dad. But we are looking at the fact Divorce. Further regulation is legislative. It is clear that the laws in their current form are behind the times and work inefficiently. But society is not ready for everything that works effectively in civilized countries with a civilized society.
Yes, we are lagging behind (what is there to hide) as a country and as a people, so we need to take into account our society, and not take tracing paper from the best countries.
Sunny City
A child with joint care will be tied to both parents. Attached to his mother - a weak argument, because he lives with her.
Sunny city
Mom can visit the child with dad, dad can visit with mom. By the age of 6, this need, as a rule, disappears and the child lives normally for a month / month.
But any comments are important, write.
Sun City
But you have your consent. This is amazing. Not all mothers are ready to take such a step even towards adequate fathers. You still have to pay child support. But the fact that they found a common language is commendable.
Write more about your case.
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9026 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 3 to make yourself happy? January 17, 2022 2:02 PM0017I have already explained how idiotic your joint custody is.
You again "but in other countries ...". Divorce due to alcoholism / sadism / indifference of the second parent (father / mother, it doesn’t matter)? Well, how to give him a child for 50%? The second parent DOES NOT WANT to communicate with the child after the divorce. And what, to shove a child to him by force, so that he would "educate"? In the best case, the child will be transferred to grandparents. And your phrase "as much money as the child needs" is generally a MASTERPIECE! And how much does a child need, you can specify? In Russia, the average salary is 25-30 thousand, even half of the salary from each parent is only 28 thousand. Well, is this enough per month for a child? nine0017
"And also, at what age do you consider it normal for a child to live in joint custody?" -
from none. stupid question :)
People who just don't want to live with their spouse just talk about everything.
And divorces are precisely because of the "outcasts" (the majority), and not simply because "I do not want to live with my husband / wife." nine0017
It is not a fact that in those countries they act correctly in this way.
Sun City
Why? For example, in European countries, children suffer less from the wars of their parents. Just the legislative framework contributes to this.
Guest small, how is he. And also jealous of a new wife. nine0017
Sunny city
Is the problem with mothers and their jealousy?
It is clear that only a good father would want to take custody.Others will not pass the filters of guardianship authorities. Problem with women?
I would not give it for a month or 2 weeks there is no such law anymore. . nine0017
I don't know. the child may be stressed. For good, it’s dad who needs to negotiate with mom so that he doesn’t worry. The child would stretch. Then it’s possible.
On the topic: you are talking from the point of view of an adult, not taking into account the psyche of the child and his interests.
Most of the parents who think this way are cut down only for alimony. This is very one-sided and frankly pathetic. And as a rule, the man is soared with such questions. nine0017
As a mother of two sons, I think joint custody is nonsense. For many facts.
Sun City
The groundless claim that "most" fathers are marginal gives fathers the right to also groundlessly claim that most mothers are "marginal".
It's a road to nowhere.
We do not discuss personal grievances against men, only about the interests of children.
Thank you for your understanding in advance. nine0017#49
Vryatli someone wants to go himself, there is a conflict.
2. Such living will lead to psychological problems in the child, to live in two houses, read - it pulls a lot of things that are not good for the child's psyche.According to judicial practice, such living is not allowed
3. Who is responsible for the child if he broke his leg while being with his father/mother? nine0006 4. If the child has a disease requiring constant care, moving is problematic,
5. Who dresses the child? Both? Or does mom dress and send dressed to dad, and dad doesn’t care? Or does each parent have their own wardrobe for the child according to his taste?On the topic: you are talking from the point of view of an adult, not taking into account the psyche of the child and his interests. Most of the parents who think this way are cut down only for alimony. This is very one-sided and frankly pathetic. And as a rule, the man is soared with such questions. nine0017
As a mother of two sons, I think joint custody is nonsense. For many facts.
There is a problem. The legislation is imperfect. Now looking for ways.
Alimony is an important issue, you need to support children. For example, in Germany, the amount of alimony is from 9% and is ranked depending on the income of the parents.In the US, the income of both parents is taken into account. 25% is an outdated norm, discriminatory. But the main issue is the children, and not the protection of the interests of a particular parent. This is a complex issue and requires very careful consideration. nine0006 Only opinions here. Yours has the right to life.
You read the comment superficially. I did not write that all fathers are marginal, I did not indicate the gender of the parent at all. I said that divorces are mainly due to the "marginality" of one or another parent (no need to argue with me, I had to deal with social workers and cops at work, I had seen enough of this, which was enough for a lifetime, while most deformed parents would be considered normal people). Naturally, the second parent does not want the child to intersect with the first. There are too many "buts" in your joint custody, and with such initial data this issue cannot be resolved.