5 2 pregnant
5 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development
Even though it’s still early in your pregnancy, a lot happens at 5 weeks, both for you and your baby. The placenta and the beginnings of the umbilical cord are developing, and you might feel a pregnancy symptom or two. Keep reading to learn more about what happens at 5 weeks pregnant, what symptoms to anticipate, and what changes to make to support a healthy pregnancy.
Highlights at 5 Weeks PregnantCheck out what's going on and what to do during your fifth week of pregnancy:
This week, the neural tube continues developing, on its way to becoming your little one's spine and brain. The placenta and umbilical cord are also progressing in order to channel oxygen and nutrients to your baby.
Despite all the action going on, your little one is still very tiny, just the size of
a small orange seed or a grain of rice.
You may have no pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks pregnant, but it’s also likely that you may experience fatigue, spotting, breast tenderness, and even morning sickness at this stage.
You might consider adopting some lifestyle changes at this point in your pregnancy, such as eating a healthy diet, avoiding certain foods, and reducing stress.
Can you be 5 weeks pregnant and test negative? This is a common question, as confirming your pregnancy is likely something you’ll want to do as soon as possible! Home pregnancy tests work by detecting levels of the pregnancy hormone hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, in your urine, which could be high enough at 5 weeks pregnant. If hCG levels are not yet high enough, you could receive a false negative. Wait a few days and test again before confirming with your healthcare provider.
“If I'm 5 weeks pregnant, what is my due date?” After confirming your pregnancy, this is likely the next question you’ll ask yourself! Again, your healthcare provider is your point person during your pregnancy and can help you determine your due date. In the meantime, try our Due Date Calculator.
Your healthcare provider will refer to your pregnancy in weeks, but it’s common to think in months, too. It gets a little tricky, but at 5 weeks pregnant, you’re usually considered to be in your second month of pregnancy, which typically includes weeks 5 through 8.
5 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's DevelopmentWhen you’re 5 weeks pregnant, important changes are taking place to support your baby’s development. Here's what's happening during your fifth week of pregnancy:
The placenta and the beginnings of the umbilical cord are forming. These channel essential nutrients (like calcium, folic acid, and other vitamins) and oxygen from your body to the embryo, playing a vital role in healthy development.
The neural tube continues to develop. It will eventually become the spinal column and the brain.
At this point, taking at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day is a great way to support your baby’s healthy growth and development and reduce the risk of neural tube disorders.
Your baby's heart will develop from what is now just a bulge in the middle of the embryo, and the heartbeat itself may be detected as early as the sixth week of pregnancy.
At five weeks pregnant, the embryo is still very small but growing quickly! Picture a small orange seed or a grain of rice. At this stage, your little one could be between about 1/16 of an inch long, with a shape like that of a tiny tadpole.
Your Baby: What Does 5 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?Look at this visual of your uterus and the gestational sac at 5 weeks for an idea of how your body is creating a comfortable home for your baby during your pregnancy.
5 Weeks Pregnant: Your SymptomsIt’s possible to have a range of common symptoms at 5 weeks pregnant, or symptoms that come and go, or even no symptoms at all! Every pregnancy is different, but early signs that you’re pregnant could include both physical symptoms and emotional changes.
These are some of the physical and emotional symptoms you might experience at 5 weeks pregnant:
Morning sickness. It’s possible to experience morning sickness at 5 weeks pregnant. This unpleasant nausea and vomiting can happen in the morning, evening, or all day long. To help ease these symptoms, drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration and avoid any greasy, spicy, or fatty foods that may trigger your bouts of nausea. You also might want to eat small meals and snacks throughout the day rather than bigger meals.
Light bleeding or spotting. It’s not unusual to see some light bleeding or spotting at 5 weeks pregnant. If you see a lot of blood, if the spotting lasts longer than two days, or you have any concerns, consult your healthcare provider right away.
Breast tenderness. Around five weeks pregnant, a surge of hormones might cause your breasts to ache as they continue to stretch and grow in preparation for breastfeeding.
If your breasts are not sore anymore at 5 weeks pregnant, that’s also normal, as symptoms can occur earlier or come and go.
Frequent urination. The constant and urgent need to pee can strike any time, especially as your kidneys are starting to have extra fluid to process, thanks to the increasing volume of blood in your body. Although this symptom can be annoying, if you need to pee a lot at 5 weeks pregnant, know it’s totally normal.
Acne. Hormonal changes may be to blame for any pregnancy-related acne you’re experiencing. Though there are ways to combat pregnancy acne, remember that it’s just one of those pesky symptoms that should clear once your baby is born.
Bloating and cramping. At 5 weeks pregnant, bloating, cramping, and feeling gassy or experiencing slight gas pains (which could occur at the same time as implantation bleeding) are quite normal. However, if you’re experiencing a lot of pain or severe cramping, bloating, or bleeding, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Fatigue. Don’t be surprised if you feel completely wiped out. At 5 weeks pregnant, your body is dealing with an increase in levels of progesterone, which can leave you feeling more tired than usual. Some things that may help include avoiding caffeine and vigorous activity before bed, keeping a consistent daily schedule, and taking time to rest or nap when you need it. You'll be doing yourself and your little one a big favor by getting as much rest as you can now!
Mood swings. Happy one moment, crying the next? Mood swings are common when you're pregnant and could feel like PMS at its worst. It may help to find some ways to distract yourself when an unpleasant mood interferes with your normal routine. Try going for a walk or listening to music, for example.
Mild or no symptoms. What if, at 5 weeks pregnant, you experience no symptoms? It’s not unusual to feel and look completely normal at this stage, or for certain symptoms to come and go.
Be sure to consult your healthcare provider if you have questions about the changes that are taking place, or if the lack of any symptoms has you feeling uneasy.
The above signs and symptoms are common at 5 weeks pregnant, but nothing you experience should be particularly painful. If you’re feeling pain or observing changes that aren’t normal for you, contact your healthcare provider.
At 5 weeks pregnant, symptoms not to ignore include pain in your body (such as in your buttocks, upper abdomen, lower back, middle back, or shoulder), abnormal diarrhea or constipation, pelvic pressure, or passing blood clots.
Experiencing pain at your c-section scar (if you had one in the past), night sweats, shortness of breath, or feeling like it hurts to sneeze at 5 weeks pregnant are also symptoms not to ignore.
Basically, if anything is painful or abnormal, consult your healthcare provider right away.
Keep in mind that symptoms of a second (or subsequent) pregnancy could be different from those of your first pregnancy.
Are you keeping an eye on your belly, wondering if it has gotten bigger? At 5 weeks pregnant, you probably won’t have a baby bump just yet, nor will you notice a darker line, called the linea nigra, on your stomach. Everyone is different, but you might see a bulging belly at around 12 to 16 weeks and the linea nigra closer to 20 weeks.
What Does 5 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?To help you get a better sense of what your belly might look like at 5 weeks pregnant, check out the visual below:
5 Weeks Pregnant: Things to ConsiderIt’s still early in your pregnancy journey, but there are plenty of important things to consider, from sharing the news with someone close to focusing on a healthy diet. Check out our lists below.
Now that you're pregnant, you may need to make some adjustments to make sure you and your baby stay healthy and safe.
Give some thought to what you're eating, making sure that you're consuming a variety of healthy foods. Avoid fish that could contain high levels of mercury—like shark, swordfish, and mackerel—and skip any food that’s undercooked or unpasteurized. Foods to avoid when pregnant also include things like sushi made with raw fish and oysters, as well as soft cheeses like Brie and feta. These items can cause food-borne illnesses that can affect you and your little one.
Curious about other early signs and symptoms of pregnancy and how to cope? Try our Early Signs of Pregnancy quiz to learn more.
Have a cat? Now is the time to get someone else to take care of the litter box so that you can stay clear of toxoplasmosis, an infection that can harm unborn babies.
Sharing the news with your partner and others is a fun part of being pregnant, and so is looking ahead and learning about pregnancy and parenting. Here are some ideas.
If you haven’t yet told your partner you’re pregnant, and you’re looking for fun ways to surprise them, check out these cute and creative pregnancy announcements for partners.
As for telling others, you may prefer to wait at least until the end of the first trimester when the risk of miscarriage drops significantly.
Download our Pregnancy Guide to learn more about what to look forward to over the coming weeks and months. Our guide covers everything from nutrition and weight gain to all the questions you'll want to ask your healthcare provider.
If this is your first pregnancy, you might want to read up on the trimesters of pregnancy so you know more about what to anticipate in the coming months.
Start a journal. It’s normal to feel a range of different emotions as you adjust to pregnancy. Emotions can change from one day to the next and writing in a journal is one way to get your innermost thoughts and feelings out of your system. And as for those joyous moments, you may want to remember them!
Although you won’t be showing just yet, you may want to start a month-by-month baby bump photo shoot. You can either save the photos as a private keepsake or share the images on social media (once you’re ready to share news of your pregnancy). In the years to come, you’ll love to look back on how your bump grew during your pregnancy, and your little one will also love to see their first “home.”
Have you seen your healthcare provider yet? Your first appointment and your subsequent checkups are the perfect time to raise questions and bring up concerns, such as the following:
Are there any possible risks for your pregnancy based on your health, age, or family history?
What should you do if you notice slight bleeding at this stage of pregnancy?
What is normal pregnancy discharge and should you be concerned if you see brown discharge at 5 weeks pregnant?
How often should you see your healthcare provider during your pregnancy?
How far along are you and when is your due date?
As you anticipate your new pregnancy and all that lies ahead, consider the following to-dos:
□ Read up on how to choose a prenatal care provider if you haven't chosen one already.
□ Schedule your first prenatal appointment. Your healthcare provider will be able to fill you in on the specifics of your care, but you can read up on prenatal care to get a general idea of what’s coming.
□ Find out who to call if your healthcare provider is unavailable or if it’s after hours and you have a medical concern.
□ Save your provider’s number to your phone and have emergency contact numbers stuck on your fridge and saved to your contact list, too.
□ Be ready to feel anxious or excited, worried or ecstatic—all normal reactions to becoming pregnant.
□ Soothe any cramps and backaches with a warm bath or a nap.
□ Cut out smoking and alcohol if you haven't already.
□ Although rare, it’s a good idea to read up on the signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy just in case.
You and your baby at 5 weeks pregnant
Your baby at 5 weeks
Your baby's nervous system is already developing, and the foundations for its major organs are in place. At this stage, the embryo is around 2mm long.
The heart is forming as a simple tube-like structure. Your baby already has some of its own blood vessels and blood begins to circulate.
A string of these blood vessels connects you to your baby and will become the umbilical cord.
At the same time, the embryo's outer layer of cells develops a groove and folds to form a hollow tube called the neural tube. This will become your baby's brain and spinal cord.
Defects in one end (the "tail end") of the neural tube lead to spina bifida. Defects in the "head end" lead to anencephaly, when the bones of the skull do not form properly.
Folic acid prevents spina bifida. You should start taking it as soon as you find out you're pregnant (even before you get pregnant, if possible).
You at 5 weeks
This is the time of the first missed period, when most women are only just beginning to think they may be pregnant.
Find out what to expect on your NHS pregnancy journey.
Antenatal care (also called pregnancy or maternity care) is the care you get from midwives and doctors during your pregnancy to make sure you and your baby are as well as possible.
Contact your GP surgery or your preferred maternity service promptly once you know you're pregnant, so you start getting care at the right time. They'll arrange your first midwife appointment.
Starting your maternity care early in pregnancy is important if you have a health condition that may affect your pregnancy, such as heart or lung conditions, epilepsy, mental health problems, diabetes or asthma.
Your doctor or midwife will be able to advise you if you're taking medicines for your condition while you're pregnant, and provide the specialist care you and your baby need.
Do not stop taking any prescribed medicine without checking with your doctor or midwife first.
Things to think about
- You're advised to take 400 micrograms of folic acid a day while you're trying to get pregnant and until the 12th week of pregnancy.
- Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your baby's health. Sign up for 28 days of free quitting advice and tips to your inbox.
- Avoid some foods in pregnancy to protect against infections.
- You can save a to-do list to keep track of things to do, such as taking folic acid and getting free dental care.
- Talk to your midwife, doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicines, or any herbal or homeopathic remedies.
Start4Life has more about you and your baby at 5 weeks of pregnancy
You can sign up for Start4Life's weekly emails for expert advice, videos and tips on pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Video: Is the pregnancy test accurate?
In this video, a midwife explains when you can take a pregnancy test and how to do it properly.
Media last reviewed: 5 February 2020
Media review due: 5 February 2023
Page last reviewed: 12 October 2021
Next review due: 12 October 2024
Pregnancy calendar
You are pregnant! Your baby will be born in 40 weeks. What changes will occur in your body, how your baby will grow will tell "Calendar of pregnancy".
1-2 weeks
Pregnancy begins at the moment of fertilization or conception.
Fertilization is a complex biological process of the fusion of female and male germ cells (egg and sperm). The resulting cell (zygote) is a new daughter organism.
A mature egg leaves the ovary approximately on the 12-14th day of the menstrual cycle (ovulation) and enters the fallopian tube, where it remains viable for 24 hours. During an orgasm, a man ejects from 200 to 400 million spermatozoa into the woman's vagina. Some of them penetrate through the cervix into the uterine cavity, and from there into the fallopian tubes. Here, spermatozoa retain the ability to fertilize for 48 hours. Thus, within 6-7 days of a woman's menstrual cycle, conception is possible.
Fertilization of the female egg is performed by a single sperm in the upper part of the fallopian tube. There are two types of sperm: those containing the Y chromosome (“male”) and the X chromosome (“female”). When an egg cell (containing the X chromosome) fuses with a sperm cell, their genetic material is combined and the sex of the child is determined. If there are two X chromosomes in the child's genetic makeup, it's a girl; if an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, it's a boy. It is impossible to change the sex of the child, so you should not follow the "folk beliefs" that guarantee the birth of a child of a given gender.
The fertilized egg begins to divide with the formation of a multicellular organism and move through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. During this period, the nutrition of the embryo is carried out at the expense of those substances that have been accumulated in the egg. If the peristalsis of the tube is slowed down (due to inflammatory diseases), the embryo penetrates the wall of the fallopian tube with the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy.
Implantation (introduction) of the embryo into the uterine wall occurs 7-8 days after fertilization.
On the seventh day of pregnancy, the outer layer of the embryo (trophoblast) begins to produce a hormone - chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone gives the mother's body information that pregnancy has occurred, and begins its functional restructuring. Diagnostic test strips detect the chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of a pregnant woman, which makes it possible to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage.
3-4 weeks
You do not have the expected menstruation, nausea in the morning, and frequent urination during the day. You become emotionally labile, irritable, whiny. Basal body temperature is above 37°C.
In appearance, your unborn baby resembles a small auricle measuring 4 mm, surrounded by a small amount of amniotic fluid. On the 21st day after conception, the brain and spinal cord are formed. By the end of the first month, the circulation of embryonic blood is established, the umbilical cord has formed - the connection of the embryo with the future placenta. The eye sockets, the rudiments of arms and legs appeared, the laying and development of other internal organs of the fetus is underway: the liver, kidneys, urinary tract, and digestive organs.
5-6 weeks
You no longer doubt that you are pregnant. Regardless of how you feel, all pregnant women need to visit a antenatal clinic and undergo an examination that will allow you to identify and correct existing health problems in time.
Starting from the 5th week, there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. This will be evidenced by: periodic pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, a feeling of pressure on the rectum, an increased amount of mucus. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
By week 6, the face is formed in the embryo: eyes, nose, jaws and limbs.
7-8 weeks
From the 7th week of pregnancy, the yellow body of pregnancy undergoes reverse development, the production of hormones begins to be carried out by the forming placenta.
The baby develops large blood vessels, the heart becomes four-chambered. Bile ducts appear in the liver. There is a development of the endocrine glands, the brain. The auricles are already formed, fingers have appeared on the limbs. The embryo begins to move. At week 8, under the influence of the Y chromosome, the formation of male gonads (testicles) occurs. They begin to produce testosterone - the male sex hormone, which will lead to the formation of the sexual characteristics of the boy.
9-10 weeks
Your metabolism is changing significantly to provide the growing body with all the necessary "building materials" - amino acids, energy. Disadaptation to such a restructuring can result in toxicosis of the 1st half of pregnancy. It is characterized by nausea, vomiting, salivation, weight loss. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.
At the tenth week, the development of the oral cavity, intestines, rectum, and bile ducts ends in the embryo. The formation of the face and hemispheres of the brain was completed. The development of the cerebellum, the main coordinator of movements, begins.
11-12 weeks
The body has adapted to the new conditions. By this time, nausea, vomiting, salivation practically disappear. You become balanced, calm.
After 12 weeks, the growth of the uterus becomes noticeable
13-14 weeks
By this time, the formation of the main organs of the unborn child is completed. In appearance, the fetus resembles a small person.
15-16 weeks
A change in skin pigmentation is possible - the midline of the abdomen, nipples and the skin around them have darkened. These phenomena should pass soon after childbirth.
The formation of the placenta ends. The fetus and placenta represent a single functional system. During this period of pregnancy, the fetus floats freely in the amniotic fluid. The composition of the amniotic fluid can determine the condition of the fetus.
17-18 weeks
These days, your unborn child begins to move. His limbs, ligamentous apparatus, cerebellum have already developed enough. By this time, the formation of the immune system is completed.
19-20 weeks
There have been big changes in your body. The pulse quickened, cardiac output increased significantly (40% higher than the initial level) and the volume of circulating blood (almost 500 ml).
Due to the increased volume of plasma compared to the mass of red blood cells, hemoglobin decreases in blood tests.
Some women during this period experience frequent and painful urination, pain in the lumbar region on the right or left, weakness. A large uterus presses down on the bladder, the mouth of the ureters, disrupting the outflow of urine. Stagnation of urine and incomplete emptying of the renal pelvis create conditions for the development of infection. Bacteriuria develops and pyelonephritis of pregnant women may occur. If there is any suspicion of pyelonephritis, you should immediately consult a doctor, because this disease is not only dangerous for your health, but also for the further growth and development of the fetus.
The weight of the baby is 300-350 grams, he often and quite actively moves, swallows amniotic fluid, begins to open his eyes.
21-22 weeks
In these weeks, the fetus already has a mass of 400-500 grams, and it develops very intensively bones and muscles, which require calcium from your body. Therefore, if you do not want to lose your white-toothed smile, then, on the advice of your obstetrician-gynecologist, start taking calcium supplements regularly. This will help save your teeth and get rid of leg cramps. They appear for the same reason of calcium deficiency.
23-24 weeks
At this time, the weight of the fetus is 500-600 g. It already has all the organs and systems fully formed. Until that time, only his lungs remained immature. And now, by 24 weeks, they begin to ripen. And the cells lining the lung alveoli produce surfactant, a substance that, by lubricating the alveoli, prevents them from sticking together during breathing. However, the amount of surfactant is so small that a child born at this time will not be able to breathe on its own. To survive outside the uterus, he needs sophisticated breathing equipment, incubators, a control system, infusors for nutrition, infusion media, artificial surfactant.
There are perinatal centers where children born during these terms of pregnancy are nursed. It is very difficult. And therefore, the longer the pregnancy is prolonged, the more likely the birth of a healthy and viable child. Therefore, try to do everything so that the child is born on time, full-term and healthy.
By this gestational age, the uterus is at a height of about 24 cm above the pubic bone, and now it not only builds up muscles, but is also stretched by the fetus that completely filled its cavity.
25-26 weeks
The fetus already has a mass of 700-750 g. Due to the improvement of the brain structures in his body, a connection is established with the adrenal cortex and they begin to produce corticoids - hormones necessary for adaptation. The pituitary gland of the fetus reaches such a degree of maturity that the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone begins, which also stimulates hormonal production by the adrenal glands. In short, all forces are thrown to the upcoming "publication". But the most obvious changes in these weeks occur in the lungs - there is an increased maturation of cells that produce surfactant. However, a fetus born during this period can only survive in incubators with artificial lung ventilation, artificial feeding with special infusion media. Therefore, try to keep both him and yourself from rash steps.
At this time, it's time to start preparing for the future feeding of the child. Under the influence of placental lactogen, your breasts, that is, the mammary glands, are growing rapidly. From time to time, droplets of colostrum may appear on the nipples. Daily air baths, washing with cool water, rubbing the nipples with a rough towel will help prepare the nipples for feeding. If the nipples are flat, start to stretch them little by little.
27-28 weeks
This period completes the second trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the fetus weighs up to 1000 g and has a height of up to 35 cm. However, he still cannot live on his own, because. his lungs are not mature enough and special equipment is still needed to nurse him. During these periods of pregnancy, there is an intensive growth of the fetus, the formation of muscles. His movements become more active. Periods of movement alternate with its relatively calm state when the fetus is sleeping. With an ultrasound, you can see that he already knows how to suck his thumb and even smile!
The fundus of the uterus stands on average at a height of 27-28 cm above the womb.
29-30 weeks
The third trimester of pregnancy begins. The uterus stands at a height of 29-30 cm, it becomes more difficult for you to breathe. Now one of the most serious complications can develop - toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, which is characterized by the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. For early diagnosis of this complication, it is necessary to carefully observe an obstetrician-gynecologist and follow all his recommendations, incl. strict weight control. In the III trimester of pregnancy, the daily weight gain should be no more than 50 g, i.e. no more than 300 g per week. You should also monitor the ratio of drunk and secreted fluid.
31-32 weeks
Have you asked your doctor how the fetus is? Find out now it's very important. Its position can be longitudinal, transverse, oblique. Correct, normal is the longitudinal position of the fetus. Childbirth is safer with cephalic presentation. From this period of pregnancy, it is necessary to wear a prenatal bandage that will support the anterior abdominal wall and help maintain the correct position and presentation of the fetus. If the presentation of the fetus is breech, i.e. above the entrance to the pelvis is the pelvic end of the fetus, then the bandage should not be worn yet. There is gymnastics to correct the presentation of the fetus.
In the morning and evening for 1 hour, do the following: lie down on the bed on your left side and lie quietly for 15 minutes, then turn over to your right side and lie for the next 15 minutes, and then repeat these turns 2 more times.
Pregnant women with Rh-negative blood and with O (I) blood type need blood tests for Rh - or group immune antibodies. Immunization of pregnant women with Rh-negative blood is carried out from 28 weeks and within 72 hours after childbirth according to the indications, which will be discussed by the doctor observing you in the antenatal clinic.
33-34 weeks
The fetus already has a mass of 1800-2100 g, a height of 40-41 cm. By the end of this period, its lungs will begin to produce surfactant in full and will be able to breathe without special equipment. The fetus is fully developed, its chances of surviving in case of preterm birth are greatly increased. However, there is still extremely little subcutaneous fat, so his skin is thin and has a red color. Such a newborn retains heat very poorly and at birth needs an incubator or a heating pad. His body is still covered with fluff and cheese-like grease, the auricles are still very small, but they are already beginning to straighten out, the boy's testicles descend into the scrotum.
Caring for a premature baby is the hardest work for the whole family, associated with high material costs, physical overload of parents, and this work is not always rewarded, since a child can be born and remain sick. Therefore, up to 37 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should be especially attentive to her condition and, at the slightest suspicion of an increase in the tone of the uterus, starting frequent and regular contractions, immediately consult a doctor.
Doctors know that women, in anticipation of the arrival of a new person in the house, begin to glue walls and paint ceilings during this period. Don't take unnecessary risks. For this, prenatal leave is provided from 30 weeks, so that you can avoid overwork, do not push in transport, and have the opportunity to sleep. So repairs, stuffy shops, queues are no longer for you.
35-36 weeks
The fetus already has a mass of 2100-2700 g and a height of 44-45 cm. It is advisable to see a doctor during this period of pregnancy at least once every 10 days.
37-38 weeks
From this point on, your pregnancy is considered full-term. And if you have a baby in these weeks, he will live. Its development is complete. Now he has a mass of approximately 2700-3000 g. Height is 49-50 cm. For the remaining two weeks, he will add a little in weight and height.
It becomes easier for you to breathe, as the fetal head is pressed tightly against the entrance to the pelvis, the uterus pulls the anterior abdominal wall more, and therefore its bottom sank lower. Tension of the uterus; small sharp pulling pains in the lumbar region.
With an exacerbation of extragenital diseases, the appearance of signs of toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, with an incorrect position of the fetus, with some gynecological diseases, against which pregnancy develops, a scar on the uterus, etc., early prenatal hospitalization is required. Do not forget to take an exchange card, passport, medical insurance policy and birth certificate to the hospital.
39-40 weeks
You can find out the approximate day of delivery by the date of the last normal menstruation - count back three months and add 7 days. The resulting number will be the estimated date of birth. More precisely, according to many parameters, ultrasound data, additional studies, the date of the first fetal movement, the date of the first visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, especially if the visit was before 11-12 weeks of pregnancy.
The child already has all the signs of maturity. His weight is more than 3000 g, and his height is more than 50 cm, he has fair skin, a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat, he retains heat and does not need special heating. He will scream loudly, breathe, suck. There is a very small amount of lubricant on the skin, which will no longer be able to protect it from the effects of amniotic fluid.
For you, regular contractions (1 contraction every 10 minutes) will become an indicator of the beginning of the birth process, or you will feel the outflow of amniotic fluid, you will see scanty bloody discharge - do not panic, call an ambulance, the telephone number for transportation for pregnant women is written on the margins of your exchange card. While she is driving, change your clothes, prepare your passport, exchange card, medical insurance policy and birth certificate.
5-8 weeks of pregnancy
The fifth week for the baby
The fifth week of embryo development is significant for the separation of the body of the unborn child and extraembryonic auxiliary structures - the yolk sac, amniotic bladder, chorion. The process of active formation of organs and tissues continues. At this time, the birth of all the main systems of the future organism is taking place.
At the fifth week, the size of the embryo is 1.2-1.5 mm. It is possible to see the anterior pole - the place of the future head, as well as the posterior pole - the place of the future legs. The formation of the body occurs according to the law of symmetry - a chord is laid along, which is the axis of symmetry. It is around it that the laying of future symmetrical internal organs takes place. In the future, some of them will be formed by merging the rudiments (liver, heart), and some will remain double (lungs, kidneys, etc.).
The fetus in this period is in a curved state and looks like the letter C. By the end of the fifth week, the heart begins to pulsate, which has already formed. From the middle germ layer (mesoderm) begins the formation of the pancreas, liver, lungs, thyroid gland, trachea and larynx.
The formation of the central nervous system also begins on the fifth allotment. The cells, which were previously located flat, begin to roll up, i.e., the formation of the neural tube occurs. The viability of the fetus is largely dependent on the complete closure of the tube, so the fifth week is of great importance. Folic acid is able to contribute to the high-quality closure of the tube. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, specialists recommend taking drugs containing this substance. Also, folic acid is needed throughout the first trimester, but its role is especially important during 5-7 weeks. Along the tube there are bulges from which the formation of the brain sections will occur.
The processes located along the neural tube are called somites and represent future muscles.
Also, the fifth week is characterized by the beginning of the formation of germ cells in the embryo - this is another important moment in his life. In future people, at the stage of early development, the rudiments of eggs and spermatozoa are already laid.
Expectant mother at the fifth week
The period of five weeks is quite early, so if changes occur in the female body, they are insignificant. At this time, the cycle delay is one week, which not every woman pays attention to. If she is aware of her situation, thoughtfulness, peace, or, conversely, high activity may appear.
Starting from the fifth week, odor intolerance and nausea are likely. Most women are prone to early toxicosis, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting, which usually occurs in the morning. Toxicosis can be both mild and severe. The second is accompanied by incessant vomiting. Women who are faced with a severe form of toxicosis are subject to hospitalization.
A feeling of heaviness in the chest or slight pain when pressed is also a sign of early pregnancy.
Sixth week for baby
During the sixth week, the embryo grows from approximately 3 mm to 6-7 mm. At this time, the shape of the embryo is cylindrical and resembles to a certain extent the embryo of a fish. The rudiments of arms and legs appear along the body, which in the sixth week have the form of processes. The arms are formed faster than the lower extremities; by the end of the sixth week, the rudiments of the hands are formed. The legs are not yet formed at the moment and remain in the rudimentary stage. At this time, the tube must completely close, and the rudiments of the hemispheres are formed from the brain bubbles.
The heart at this stage is characterized by intensive development and active pulsation. Inside this organ, division into chambers and compartments occurs, ventricles and atria appear. If you use highly sensitive ultrasound equipment, the heartbeat of the fetus can already be caught. 100-160 beats per minute at this stage makes the heart.
Also on the sixth week, the digestive tube is formed, which ends with the formation of the large and small intestines, stomach.
The sex glands continue to develop, the ureters are formed. An important process at this stage is the formation of chorionic villi, i.e., the laying of the future placenta. The sixth week is marked by the active stage of vascular growth and the "training" of the placenta. Of course, as a separate organ, the placenta has not yet formed and does not fulfill its functions, but the first trial steps are already being taken - there is an exchange of blood between the mother and the embryo, such an exchange is the precursor of future blood circulation.
The sixth week for the future mother
If the cycle is delayed by two weeks, which corresponds to the sixth obstetric week, the manifestations of toxicosis may increase in a woman. Nausea often leads to vomiting. If this happens more than two or three times a day, you should contact a specialist. In the chest, vascular permeability changes due to changes in the hormonal background. Therefore, a periodic sensation of tingling may join the feeling of fullness of the glands.
A woman in the sixth week is often accompanied by irritability, drowsiness, fatigue and weakness. All of these symptoms are the result of the influence of the hormonal background, which tries to create the best conditions for the development of the child. Experts note that the severity of the course of toxicosis directly depends on the emotional state of the woman. Therefore, the expectant mother should limit physical activity, avoid stressful situations, provide positive emotions and good mood.
Women may develop new taste preferences. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to ensure the comfort of the expectant mother, but one should not forget about common sense when choosing a diet. Even if it attracts to harmful products, they should not be consumed, of course, smoking and alcohol are contraindicated. It is undesirable to use smoked meats and any products containing chemical elements. The more correct the diet, the more benefits it can bring to the unborn baby.
Special attention should be paid to the water balance. Dehydration can only aggravate toxicosis, so it is important to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. Sometimes fruits, water and juices even become the only possible food for a woman.
Seventh week for a baby
At this age, the embryo reaches a length of 8-11 mm, its weight at the seventh week is less than a gram. The head is equal in size to half the body, while the shape of the body is arched. You can see in the lower part of the pelvic end a continuation of the coccyx, which outwardly resembles a tail.
On the seventh week, the formation of the embryo occurs quite intensively. On the hands, you can already see the interdigital spaces, but there is no division into separate fingers yet. The embryo begins to develop a face, on which a nasal fossa appears. In this place, a nose is formed a little later. Also in the seventh week, the initial development of the auricles occurs. They begin to form from two elevations on the head, both jaws are formed.
The seventh week is characterized by such an important event as the formation of the circulatory system of the female body and the fetus, as well as the umbilical cord. There is uteroplacental blood flow. From now on, tissue respiration and nutrition of the fetus occur through maternal blood. The unborn child falls under the protection of the mother's body. The future placenta (chorion) not only nourishes the embryo, but also acts as a protective filter, preventing harmful microorganisms and toxins that can significantly harm the fetus.
Seventh week for the expectant mother
From the seventh week, the growth of the uterus begins in a woman, this can be determined by a specialist during a gynecological examination. At this stage, many expectant mothers have an increase in the abdomen, which is one of the main signs of pregnancy. The growth of the uterus and the size of the embryo cannot cause an increase in the abdomen. This is due to the action of progesterone, which leads to lethargy of the intestinal loops, as well as a decrease in the tone of the anterior abdominal wall. Bloating occurs, which is the cause of visible changes in the abdomen.
Increased urination is a consequence of the fact that the total volume of blood in the female body increases. Such a change will accompany the expectant mother throughout the pregnancy and will especially manifest itself in the last trimester. If pain occurs during urination, then there is a reason for a visit to the doctor, since this is not considered the norm. Changes in bowel function are possible, constipation and diarrhea can occur with equal probability. The reasons may be a change in the usual diet or hormonal levels. Since regular daily stools ensure the timely removal of toxins from the body of the expectant mother, it must be carefully monitored. If you have problems with bowel movements, you should consult a specialist.
Eighth week for baby
The embryo is 15-20 mm long by the beginning of the eighth week and 40 mm by the end of it. The mass of the embryo is five grams. After the eighth week, the embryonic period ends and the fetal period begins. After eight weeks, experts no longer use the term embryo, the unborn child is called the fetus until it is born. The main features of the eighth week are the intensive development and modification of the embryo. There is a straightening of the body, and it is increasingly divided into segments - limbs, head and torso.
At this stage, the nervous system is actively developing. Also on the eighth week, the brain is divided into sections, the hemispheres are more clearly outlined, convolutions are formed.
The face of the unborn child becomes more prominent, ears, nostrils, eyes are formed. By the end of the eighth week, the upper lip is fully connected, and the face looks quite distinctly formed.
The process of ossification of the skull, arms and legs belongs to the features of this period. Bones harden. The formation of the fingers occurs, and the large one becomes isolated and opposed to the palm. Large joints (elbows and knees) are formed.
Brain structures, which are responsible for muscle tone, and the muscular system itself are also being actively formed. This allows the embryo to perform a variety of movements. The development of the digestive tract is almost completed by the end of this week. The intestines and stomach are supplied with nerve endings, which in the future will be able to provide motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, the cavities of the kidneys, heart, bladder and ureters are formed.
The vascular system develops in the future placenta. The chorionic villi penetrate deeply into the wall of the uterus. Utero-placental circulation becomes full. The complex supply of the growing fetus is provided by the vessels of the umbilical cord, through which it receives blood enriched with oxygen and a variety of nutrients. Also, through these vessels, metabolic products and carbon dioxide are removed.
The eighth week for the expectant mother
The eighth week does not bring significant changes to the woman's body. All manifestations of toxicosis do not change their character, but are already much easier to bear. This is due to the fact that by this time pregnant women get used to their condition and find factors that facilitate it and create comfort. These can be certain foods, proper sleep, one or another diet, walks, etc.
This material indicates the obstetric gestational age, that is, it is calculated from the first day of the preceding pregnancy menstruation.