Comments on: Episode 32 – Why Adoption, Foster Care, & Caring for Orphans Matters {an adoptive mom’s story} Sat, 05 Mar 2016 21:34:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachel Karman Wed, 04 Nov 2015 06:25:37 +0000 I just stumbled upon your podcast last week and I have been so blessed by you both! When I listened to episode 32 it was amazing to hear Amanda talk about her adoption journey because so much of what she said sounds like what I have been praying about. My husband and I have four boys and this last year we have felt the call to adopt. We really had no clue where to start but just are stepping out in faith and seeking to follow with what God has for us. So this year I have started a sewing business to help raise money for adoption and my husband started a photography business! I never would have seen myself doing this a year ago, God has a way of stretching us! So as I’m quilting I’m being so blessed by your words and encouraged to keep walking by faith and not with fear in my heart of the unknown. Thank you so much for your godly council and biblical insights on this subject.
Your sister in Christ,
