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#1 - Earlobes Dominant Free

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1 #1 - Earlobes Dominant Free
They hang below the point of attachment to the head. Recessive Attached They are attached directly to the side of the head.

2 #2 - Dimples Recessive Dominant No Dimples Dimples
Natural dents in the face to the side of the mouth when a person smiles. If a person only has one dimple, they should be counted as having dimples.

3 #3 – Hitchhikers Thumb Recessive Dominant Curved Thumb Straight Thumb
When you extend your thumb and it curves to the left. Dominant Straight Thumb When you extend your thumb and it stays mostly straight.

4 #4 – Tongue Rolling Recessive Dominant Cannot Roll Tongue
Can Roll Tongue The ability to turn the sides of your tongue so that, near the tip, the sides nearly touch on top.

5 #5 – Chin Recessive Dominant No Cleft Chin Cleft Chin
If you have a dimple in your chin it is considered to be cleft.

6 #6 – Hairline Recessive No Widow’s Peak Dominant Widow’s Peak

7 #7 – Writing Hand Recessive Left-handed Dominant Right-handed

8 Naturally straight hair
#8 – Hair Type Recessive Naturally straight hair Dominant Naturally curly hair

9 #9 – Thumb Crossing Recessive Dominant Right thumb on top
Left thumb on top Fold your hands together by interlocking your fingers without thinking about it.

10 #10 – PTC Taste (Phenylthiocarbimide)
Recessive Cannot taste PTC The paper tastes like nothing at all. Dominant Can taste PTC The paper tastes bitter.

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